all of it

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Vixamz SOA
All rights reserved,
June, 2018.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
And no part of this work be reproduced by means now known or thereafter discovered including printing, photocopy and recording except with permission from the author; Vixamz SOA.

Dedicated to:

My sisters; Jennifer, Cassandra, Chioma and Sabbathina, because they are the priceless gems of my heart. Every chamber of my heart is for each of you.

To my only brother; Raphael, because I have learned so much about life from him than I have from anybody else.

To my friend and adopted brother Olagoke Muhammad alias Snazz; a brilliant mind that one. I wouldn’t have started this book if he didn’t push me.

To another brilliant mind Salami Lawal alias the King; because of him I was able to finish writing this book.

To my best friend, Atanda Hiqmat alias Ikkie; she is a pin in a basket of fur. She has been a number of things to me and punctuations will disagree with my description of her.

These ones have helped develop this book and its author in ways unnamed. Thank you for your undeserved support.

To all of you out there living in some guilt, there is redemption in communication. 

To those living in the shadows of their models, it is time to step into the light.

To those of you living in ignorance, it is time to be enlightened.

To those of you living in silence, it is time to speak out.  Silence is NOT golden.


Life is a rollercoaster, I rode, and now I’m flat on my back. Intriguing right?

It’s 2am in the middle of the night, and I am fucking cold. I am in a hospital filled with sick people who are as sick as I am and others as worse as they might die before the first cock’s crow. My life has been shit and this place smells like it and I live in a daily reflection of this.

But why do I feel this way?

I have the Marfan syndrome and it’s getting worse. In time, I might not be able to move from this bed. When I say the words ‘Marfan Syndrome’ I usually get the classic confused face; the tilted heads with looks indicating that they had no idea what I was talking about. At other times there was the “Oh! But that is rare” among other instances. Yes, it is rare, and yes, I am the first in my family to be diagnosed with it. I had the same face as theirs when the doctor first mentioned that it was a spontaneous mutation of my genes, meaning my genes just decided to mutate for no just fucking reason.

Sigh. Where do I start from? It always seemed like life was more than just going out; I think I learnt that the hard way, it easily overwhelmed me, the idea of getting out of college. I was going to be a Plant Geneticist, get my Master’s degree, and maybe start a family. I didn’t have the best grades, but I would have been graduating with a workable result; apparently not what I wished to finish with when I first got into college, but this was the card life dealt me.

I come from a family of four; my parents, my sister and me. Although, my parents were overprotective of us, because it was just two of us, I had the best family anyone could wish for.

I had my life planned out for me by my parents. I went to the best schools, had the best grades in secondary school and had a dream of being a Botanist, getting married, having two kids like my parents, and waking up one Sunday morning feeling fulfilled. When I got into college it all went downhill from there.

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