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I awoke to the blaring of my alarm clock. My room smelled of old gym clothes. I jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom. As i brushed my teeth I smelled the smell of a delicious piece of tender bacon I spit and ignored my note card saying to floss. I threw on the out fit I'd wear to school that day. Kakis a grey shirt and my always faithful Tims. I ran out of my room to be greeted by Gus my new puppy. He licked my boot as if they were a fresh bowl of kibble.  Next I passed my father who was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper and bashing Americas newest president. He said he was a disgrace and not fit to be a symbolic figure of America. He was dressed like a thug witch I knew he should't do with all the riots going on in my area everyone was jumpy. That's why I knew it was unsafe for a strong and built black man like him to dress like a thug, but he always said he wouldn't change the way he liked to dress because of some dumb disputes. I sat at the table and ate my food it tasted bland today.I heard the bus pass and ran to get my bag then quickly sprinted towards the bus stop. I got there just in time to meet the bus I jumped on and huffed and puffed while I tried to catch my breath. I hadn't gotten to say I love you to my father nor my pregnant mother. As I pulled at the school I felt a since of déjà vu i had been in this exact spot a thousand times. Then I got the call... Dad? In the hospital? A bullet wound? I ran to the front of the bus and demanded he take me home, but he refused. I suppose you should know I take after my father I am extremely big for my age and pretty built. So after a long argument with the bus driver I was fed of I grabbed him by his shirt and licked him hard right in the jaw. He grimaced in pain. I then grabbed his shirt and threw him down the stairs. He landed with a thud and laid still on the ground then grabbed his jaw. I yelled at the kids to get of the bus Now!! They filed out and flinched as the passed by me. Once they were off I jumped in the drivers seat and drove towards the hospital. It's nearly impossible to see with these tears streaming down my face. I'm almost to the hospital when I flip the bus round and round I go until I'm upside down. I climb out of the emergency exit and run. My head is dripping blood I know I've got a concussion for my head is pounding, and one of my fingers is badly jammed. I run and run until I'm in the hospital parking lot. Then I run through the hospital doors till I'm met with a young receptionist most likely only a couple years older than me she looks about 23 I'm 17. I ask her where is my father? She says what is his name? Adam Johnson I reply so fast I nearly miss pronounce my own last name. Room 11 the pretty receptionist replies quickly she tries to sputter something about her number ,but I've already began to run I get to the room and nearly push down the door. The first sight I see is my mom crying in a chair in the corner of the room. Then I see doctors standing all around tears in their eyes. Then I looked at the bed only to see the shape of my father his whole body covered in blood stained sheets. I once again began to run and I ran and ran and ran until I was out of the hospital Then I kept running till I got to a car. I could see the keys in the car but the door was locked and there was a key pad on the door. I punched the window with all my might. Then I reached in and unlocked the car I jumped in and started the car. Then sped home I was no longer crying all the sadness had been replaced with pure hate... hate for the cop that killed my unarmed father. My hand were clinched in fist of rage around the steering wheel and my face red with hate. I got home about 15 minutes later and ran into my room and grabbed the safe box from under my bed and took out the 1000$ I had saved for a car. Then went into my father and mothers room. My father was an marine veteran and was very protective of his family so he had many guns in the safe in his room. I grabbed the Glock and holster and threw it in my backpack next to the money. I grabbed every box of bullets in the safe I'm tossed them in also. Then I went to the larger safe and opened it I grabbed the body armor and 3 other hand guns in there one revolver one snub nose revolver and another Glock and threw them in the backpack with more bullets and one holster and one dual holding pistol. I also found 5,000$ in emergency funds that I threw in the bag. I grabbed combat boots from my room and my dads military uniform I put them on. I then grabbed my suit case and filled it with clothes and necessities I grabbed my computer and threw in the the trunk of the car. I put on the backpack and threw it in the passenger side of the car and jumped in the divers seat. I drove to a hotel and purchased a room for two night. Then I dropped my backpack off in the room along with my suitcase. I then drove to a local gas station and bought two 18 packs of beer I knew he would not card me because of my size. I went back to the hotel room and drunk till I passed out. When I woke up It was probably about 6:00 am and I had a horrible headache I continued to drink till I passed out again. When I woke up it was around 2:00pm and I drank until I was out of booze then passed out. When I woke up it was 6:pm I drove to the same gas station and purchased sleeping pills, gas, a bottle of water, and a pocket knife. When I got back to the hotel it was about 8:pm. I paid for one more week in the hotel room. I took 5 sleeping pills and quickly passed out. When I woke up everything was fuzzy and my hotel room smelled like new air freshener. I assumed the maid had come in and cleaned up a big. There were no longer beer cans scattered everywhere. I took five more sleeping pills and did not check the time.When I awoke it had been two days since I went to the gas station the second time. I flushed the remaining sleeping pills down the toilet. I sat at a rolling chair and watched the news the cops were looking for me and James Dean Cory the cop who killed my father was given two weeks paid suspension. I was outraged but not stupid I packed my stuff and after a long dispute with the clerk about getting my money back I punched him in the face and took what belonged to me plus 10,000 dollars for my trouble. I drove to a different hotel and purchased a Night there. I began loading the guns and putting them in the holsters and putting the holsters on. I then put my heavy leather jacket over the guns. I went to the nearest shooting range and practiced till it closed. I did this for the next two weeks working out at the gym harder than ever and practically spending every other moment moving hotels or shooting at the range. At this point I practically lived on the shooting range they ever let me shoot after hours all night long. I ran into that receptionist at the gym and she gave me her number. I threw it in my bag and had no intention of ever using it I already had a packed schedule. I began following and watching James Coney too who I started calling JC. JC was back to working and treating black men like dirt. He has a perfect family and never faced trouble for what he did to my family. I went back home only to find out from the neighbor that my mom had hung herself in my room. This made me hate JC even more and I wanted him to pay even more. I followed him one night into a dark ally where he was taking money from a thug in return for burning evidence against that man. Once he was alone I stuck up behind him and drew the revolver I pointed at the back of his head and screamed, Do you know who I am? He spun around and replied no why should I? Yeah I replied you killed my father. He said Ah yes your father tried to grab my weapon. That's a dang

lie and you know it admit it I want you to admit it before I kill you. Killing me is not going to help trust me son. Don't ever call me son! Only one man could do that and you killed him!! Thwack!! The tumbled to the ground after a hard hit to his nose from the barrel of the revolver. Stand up! Stand up now! You stupid coward! He stumbled to his feet and wobbled trying to maintain balance. Admit you killed my father or so help me god I will end you and then I'll destroy your family like you did mine. I did not destroy your family your father did. No you killed my mother too when you killed my father. Oh god you don't know do you you father was cheating on your mom. When I pulled him over there was a different women with him and she had drugs so she rushed at me and tried to grab my gun. I shot,
but she had tripped and the bullet went over her head and into your fathers chest. Your father tried to get up and come at me so I shot him again. Your mother killed herself because of your dads unfaithfulness. No that can't be true!! You you liar! Bang!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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