Why Me? A One Direction fanfic By: Kasey Olson (@1DWant / @KaseLynn01)

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Chapter 1: The Mystery

It's waist deep now I better find a way out. Will I get out? Will I find a way? Marty, my best friend, told me "Once I get in I'll never get out, it’s like a never ending puzzle."Now I believe her, but it’s too late now to find a way it’s up to my throat. I remember waking up with my whole body aching, but I guess that’s better than drowning.

"Wait how’d I get out?", I said outloud to who I thought was no one 

"I saved you."

"Who said that?!"Then out came a boy fully drenched in darkness. He was utterly and completely beautiful. His hair was jet black, styled into a quiff and his eyes were such a light brown that they were almost mesmerizing. I couldn’t stop staring at him, but the best thing was he was staring at me the same way. His eyes sparkled with knowledge. He looked as if he knew something that I didn’t. Who was this boy that appeared as if by magic?


"And you are?"

"It’s better if you don't know."

"Okay well I'm Ella"

"Where’re you from?"

"Florida, but I've wanted to live in London my whole life."

"What made you come here?"

"I was kidnapped and ran into this tunnel to escape. I didn’t think it would be filled with water and almost drown me."

"How’d you escape?"

"The man’s wife just let me go she didn't like that her husband loved me."

"Well what’s not to love?"He said with a smile. I blushed. I wish he would tell me his name so that I could at least thank him, I thought to myself.

“You’re welcome and for now you can call me Z , just don’t get into your ignorant little head of yours that I will stay with you and help you.”

Could he read my mind? “Well why won’t you stay with me? I quickly stated. We could be like partners.”He smiled. I hope he stays that way I won’t be wondering through this creepy tunnel alone, plus there was something about him that made me want to figure out what exactly he was hiding and why he was so mysterious.

"Yeah well we better get you out of here and all bandaged up." I never even realized that my leg had been struck by a metal piece and was gushing blood. Suddenly I felt light headed and everything went black. I saw a light coming towards me. What was it? Will it hurt me? The light went away and I woke up realizing it was only just a dream. 

"Finally your awake" ,Z said in a joking tone of voice. "You passed out on me"

"I did? Ouch! My leg is killing me" 

"Here i'll carry you. Now let's get out of here!" 

Z started walking with me in his arms. He was so strong and beautiful. I wonder where he came from and who he really is? "Could you tell me about yourself?" , I asked

"Well there's really not much to tell.. I lived in England when I was younger. Umm I really don't know what you want to know" 

"How about why you're here or why you saved me?"

"I just couldn't let you die here, so I saved you. Can we not talk about this?"

They continued along in silence. Z suddenly stopped. "Why did you stop?"

"Look." He pointed to a cross path. "Which one do we take?", he asked confusedly.

"Uh i'm not sure.. Which do you think?"

"The middle I guess." He turned in the direction of the middle path and started heading into it. "Wait! I see light coming from the other one. Do you think we should take that one?"

"I don't know! Just pick one and if that one doesn't work then we can come back and try a different one. Z stared at me for what seemed like an eternity, then started heading down the left pathway.

~Kasey (@1DWant / @KaseLynn01)

Why Me? A One Direction fanfic By: Kasey Olson (@1DWant / @KaseLynn01)Where stories live. Discover now