Night-time Consoling - Markus

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You're tired. Very tired.

For the past few long hours, you've lain awake, staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. You can't help it though, worries about your father Carl and the future which is arriving too fast have plagued your mind, leaving you unable to get any rest. In your room next to his, you hear him cough every so often and even though it breaks your heart to hear it, you feel happy at least that he is still here.

It's at this time you decide that you've had enough of trying and failing to fall asleep, and instead rise up and leave the uncomfortable confines of your bed. You need something else to occupy your mind until the sun rises again, so you collect your nightgown and make your way downstairs. When you enter the large living room, you notice Markus on the couch, reading a book however his attention quickly turns to you when the door closes behind you.

"Y/N, what are you doing up at such a late hour? Is everything alright?" He asks, placing the book down, before standing and heading towards you.

"I'm fine Markus, I just couldn't sleep. Stupid thoughts and all that" He notices the sadness in your voice and he frowns, moving closer to you and putting his arm on your shoulder. You gaze up at him and see sympathy and worry in his clear, green eyes and he says "Y/N there's something else wrong. Please tell me what's causing you to be upset and I'll help you"

You shake your head, feeling tears rushing to your eyes and you whisper back "You can't help Markus, not unless you can stop death" After that, you can't help but break into a sob, rushing into him and wrapping your arms around him. You feel him stiffen, however, your emotions overpower you and you can only bury your face in his warm chest and let the tears flow. Slowly, you feel his arms eventually settle on your back and hold you close as he tries to calm you, but you can't control yourself.

He leans down and picks you up, bringing you closer into his arms and while you continue to cry into his shoulder, he carries you to the couch, setting you down and covering you with a blanket to keep you warm in the cool night air.

"Please, Y/N, tell me what is upsetting you. It... hurts me to see you this way" He consoles, reaching up to move your hair away from your face. When you hear that he feels hurt for you, you gaze up at him through your tears and tell him your fears of the future, the events that you know will come. The whole time, he sits there, listening silently yet comforting you by stroking his long fingers through your hair.

"I'm just so scared Markus. I know that my dad isn't afraid of what will come, but I don't want him to pass away and leave me- I'd miss him too much"

You hear Markus sigh, his whole body drooping and he leans his cheek on your head, whispering "I'm scared to Y/N, but I know that even though it will bring pain to him, it will also bring him peace. Carl has been like a father to me, even though I know that it's wrong of me to think that" He looks away from you as if he feels that he has done something unspeakable.

"It's not wrong Markus, in fact, I'm glad that you see him as such. I know that he thinks of you as the son he never had within Leo, especially as you put so much effort into caring for him- and me too" You reach up and gently grab his chin, and turn his gaze to face yours. He still refuses to meet your eyes, but you won't command him too- you want this next action to be of his own choosing.

"What do I mean to you Markus?"

That catches his attention, and he looks into your eyes, his own blinking rapidly. "Y/N you are the most important person to me, next to your father" You shake your head slightly, giggling to yourself before saying "That's not what I meant, I want to know what I am to you. Not just based on what your program tells you I am"

He looks down at you properly this time, and at this moment it feels as though he is looking straight into your soul. "I don't know how to describe what you are to me Y/N, I've never felt this feeling before. Every time I'm near you it feels like my heart can't beat quick enough and my whole body radiates heat"

"Markus, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you're in love... with me" You marvel, placing your hand on his chest and feeling his heart pumping the way he described. His eyes widen in surprise and slowly begins to smile, murmuring "So this is what they call 'Love'"

You nod your head quickly at him, smiling widely. "So if my feelings are that of which you describe, does that mean I can do this?"

You look back at him, confusion clear in your mind, however before you can question him, his lips are on yours. It lasts for mere seconds, yet you have never felt something so euphoric in your life.

"Don't worry Y/N," He says pulling you close again," I'll always be here to protect and care for you-you'll never be alone". 

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