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Days ... weeks ... months...

"(It's been exactly 2 months since Chrome disappeared..where could she be?)"you thought sadly,

The rain angrily poured on you and the harsh wind and menacing thunder didn't help either ,

You headed over to the Vongola headquarters,


"Did you find her?" Tsuna asked ,

You shook your head,

" It's like the earth just swallowed her with no trace left behind.."said Yamamoto ,

You stepped inside and took off your coat,

"You should take a hot bath, you might catch a cold."said Haru,

"I'll do that." you said.


You stepped into the welcoming warm water,

You sat there staring off to space ,

"(What if we never find Chrome?)"you thought, "( what if she's dying and I'm just sitting here..)"

You rested your head on the wall, you closed your eyes and somehow fell asleep,

You dreamt of Chrome dying , her guts spilled everywhere, her trident shattered and her face frozen in horror..

You saw her struggling against someone and her hand reached out to something, she moved her lips , trying to communicate with someone lying next to her covered in blood,


You jolted up and started panting , what was that?

You got up and wrapped a towel around yourself and ran out of the bathroom,

You ran to your room and quickly changed into your clothes,

"I need to find Chrome!"you told yourself," I need to find her!"

You ran out of your room and opened the main door,

The cold rain greeted you,

You ran out and started to head over to the forest.

Hibari x Reader x Mukuro - No escapeWhere stories live. Discover now