1. Flashback

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A/N: Firstly, arrow verse is set in the same universe. Secondly, there will be different pairings along the way of this story. To avoid any confusion the pairing of Earth X will not be Overgirl and Dark Arrow. Finally, instead of Nazi's I would rather stick to evil versions of themselves controlling their world. I appreciate constructive criticism. Spelling errors and poor grammar will be updated as the story goes on. This is going to be a Supergirl/Flash pairing and the story is going to be set in the same universe, obviously apart from Earth X, to avoid confusion. Will try to update as frequent as possible.

Do not own DC or CW characters .


"Without a prisoner - It goes unstable. And now it's bleeding energy onto our Earth."

"The Speed Force is unbalanced. I have to stabilise it."

"What? How?" - "By running into it."

"Barry, Central City needs The Flash. What happens if there is another threat, the Justice League needs a speedster.... And a leader."

"Don't mess it up with Oliver. - I'll do my best. They're all gonna look to you now. I'm not a hero like you I don't give hope. You've always been my hero. Whether it be the Hood, Arrow or Green Arrow, I thought you were a hero from the very start."

"You're telling me that we should've been trying to save you instead of this... creature you have been fighting with your team for months?"

"You did save me, Joe. You took an 11-year-old boy with a broken heart, and you gave him a home and so much love. No son ever felt more love from a father. And Iris, you have given me hope in life and are the perfect definition of a sister. You have cared for me in my worst moments and have cherished my best moments with me. Eddie, take care of her." -"Anything for you Barry"

"It's been an honour to know all of you, to fight alongside of you. Now it's up to you to keep our home safe."

Barry starts to walk towards the portal until a firm grip of a woman clad in a blue suit with a red skirt and cape hinders him from taking another step. The hand clasped onto his arm sits with no desire to withdraw as tears fall from the beautiful superheroine.

"Barry... don't go please."

"Kara... you have been the most precious thing I have had on my time, but this is my penance. My redemption. And I want you to know that after I'm gone you will lead your life and this team to save everything and everyone you hold dear."

With no reply she had buried herself in his warm embrace for the last time as tears flow and run like streams of water and racking sobs causing her body to shake wildly.

"You have kept me steady on everything that I have done, and even though I have told you to realise you need to slow down, you were the one who has made me slow down and realise the importance of a slow pace." I had cupped her cheeks and focused her eyes on mine to finally whisper "You Kara Zor-El are so important to me, whether you dont think so or not. I have something for you in your apartment that I think you will love and I hope you remember me because I have grown to love you with all my heart despite the fact that you dont... or might not. But this is goodbye"

"Barry please..." She pleaded. Barry took her in for one more final embrace before turning towards his mother and taking her hand. One last look back at his friends and family and a small tear had fallen from his eyes. The speed force storm had finally dissipated, but Kara was left there. Standing alone, one of the most important person in her life just pulled away from her. It feels as if she is re-living Krypton's explosion, the trauma, pain and suffering. Staring into nothing but unable to calm herself down. A tug from Alex makes her instantly break into tears and collapse into her sisters arms.

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