Dragonborn - KH FF

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For your thirteenth birthday your father forged you a bow, and because you were raised in the Tundra your parents forbade you of leaving the house. They always made up different excuses for you to stay inside, whether it be cleaning your room or doing the laundry. They always managed to keep you in, unless they were outside too. 

Your body itched to explore these lands, you wanted to run outside and roll in the snow and catch an elk. Endless possibilities. And you wanted to explore and travel, meet people and make friends. You were thirteen Gods dammit! 

You tapped your foot impatiently as your dad was stringing the bow, you bobbed on your heels and smiled up at him. “Does the bow mean that I can go hunting?” You asked excitedly. 

Your dad eyed you with a genuine smile, “Not yet sweetie, you need to practice that aim of yers first, kay?” he laughed at your eagerness and continued his handy work. You just eyed the bow, disappointed- albeit impressed with his craftsmanship, the bow was adorned with carvings and Norse runes, ones that meant ‘protection’, ‘safety’ and ‘bravery’. 

You touched the runes and smiled, how you loved your father. He was so kind and caring and your mother too.

 “Why did we move all the way out here again?” 

“It’s too early for those kinds of questions, I’ll tell you when you’re older, now go on I’m done. I made a hay target for you.” He ushered you outside, shrugging off your question for the time being. You shrugged and grabbed a quiver of arrows and pulled back the string before letting it go, it missed the target.


You’ve been practicing archery for five years steady, and to call you a pro would have been an understatement. You practiced whenever you could, on hay bales and small animals, birds. You smiled to yourself as you carried home three more falcons on your belt. Your parents could make use of the feathers. 

Today you turned eighteen, and your parents told you to leave the house- surprise surprise. So that they could prepare a surprise for you when you got back, you wandered through a trail that lead to the opening of a meadow, where various spots of land was covered in snow and dying grass peaked out from untouched areas, ready to grow with the summer breeze. The old looking cottage was situated at the top of the hill. You jumped when you heard crunching noises beside you and quickly knelt down, fifty feet across from you was a large bull elk. His large antlers stood proud as he surveyed the area. 

‘we’d have food for weeks...’ you thought happily. 

You quietly pulled out your bow and quiver and sucked in your stomach as you expertly pulled back the string, closing one eye, holding your breathe. You closed your eyes for a moment before refocusing them on your prey. His large head swung to the side to itch at his skin, the flies were pestering him. You let go of the arrow and for a moment time stopped, the arrow soared through the sky and a loud bleat echoed in the valley as the arrowhead tore through the flesh of its neck, killing it painlessly. 

You blinked and cheered on spot, “Holy cow! I got a bull!” You scurried over to the spot where it was felled, snow flying behind you when you gained speed. 

You knelt down and pulled the arrow from it’s neck with a squelching sound it gave way. You shuddered and touched it’s fur, ‘so soft...’ 

“Too heavy to carry home, I’ll need to call Bjorn” you got up quickly and pulled a horn from out of your satchel and blew as hard as you could in it, the shrill noise echoed in the valley and next thing you know a large and beautiful stallion is galloping down the mountain, he’s white and has blue-ish gray dapples along his hips and inner stomach. His eyes are blue. He is saddled and bobs his head eagerly when he stops just before you, he bends his head down and nuzzles your body while examining the dead animal. 

Bjorn stands proudly and bellows, you make quick work of tying the hind-hooves of the elk together so your horse can tow it up the hill. After you tied the rope to your horses saddle you climbed up and ushered him up the mountain. He was a war horse, built strong in the muscles and slightly hard headed and stubborn, he makes up for his lack of speed in strength and endurance. He was so sweet and he managed to drag the fallen beast all the way up and then some. He was breathing heavily by the top and you could see the puffs of air leaving his nostrils, he neighed loudly, proud to have reached the top.

You climbed off of him and patted his side, showering him with praise. Your parents walked out, having heard the commotion and stared, wide-eyed at the bull elk. They exchanged knowing looks and nodded to each other, earning a risen brow from you.

“Something wrong, Mother, Father?” You asked them with a smile, they ushered you inside after hanging the deer for gutting. 

“We need to discuss your future, (Name).” Your mother stated gently, your father nodded and sat down, motioning for you both to sit too. Worried you sat down quickly and glanced at your parents, eager and anxious.

Your father sighed, “When we lived in Whiterun, two days after your birth. A cloaked man told us something about you, about a prophecy and... (Name) you’re the Dragonborn. From the legends and stories. One who can absorb the souls of dragons and shout words of great power..” He averted his gaze, not wanting to see your expression. 

Your mother was on the verge of tears and you, you were speechless. 

“Aha, you’re very amusing.. Ahahaha” You laughed it off like it was some kind of joke, your eyes widened when they said nothing. 

Your hands dropped to your side. “A-ll this time and you SAID NOTHING??” You didn’t know whether to feel angry or betrayed or fascinated, this was all too much information to process. You didn’t know how to process it. 

Your mother sighed softly, “We fled the city because we didn’t want any incidents to happen, we made a home here so you could grow up peacefully..” She trailed off, realizing it wasn’t easing your concerned look.

“I understand your concern.. But I wish I would have know sooner, I could have been useful I could have...” You trailed off, not wanting to talk anymore. They sacrificed their home in Whiterun so you’d be safe and you didn’t want to say anything you’d regret. 

Because despite the fact that they’ve kept it from you, doesn’t change the fact that they’re still your parents. And they cared for you. 

You nodded slowly, “I have to leave then, soon I imagine?” You asked them and they solemnly nodded. 

“Sadly, yes.. The call of the Graymanes will be echoing on the Tundra soon enough, and it will be heard through all of Skyrim, try to keep your identity hidden for now. Grow in power before letting yourself be seen. I know you will become a strong and beautiful warrior, because we both have faith in you, we both love you very much.” Your father and mother engulfed you in a hug and for the first time, you didn’t want to leave home. 

They handed you some money they saved for this purpose, so you could buy food and weapons if needed and you packed a large leather satchel for now, you could always make more with deer hide. You neatly packed some trousers and light armor your father forged for you. Belts and your bow and quiver of arrows and food rations for later in the evening. 

You were preparing Bjorn outside when they both stepped out of the house. “This is for you darling, an amulet of Talos and an ebony dagger. They should give you good fortune, I know they have for me” Your father smiled warmly at you, and tears stained his cheeks, you pulled him in a hug and sobbed a little. 

Your mother wordlessly stuffed a knitted blanket in the back pouch by Bjorn’s rump. 

You mounted your noble steed, “I know where home is, I will come and visit when I can. I love you both very much..” 

They both nodded and just like that you set out on the cobblestone trail leading to Whiterun, and maybe one day you will return home, but for now you needed to look head on. 

And so your journey began. 


So here's the intro, italics are thoughts and bold is emphasis. As one would know. 

I will be writing more, hopefully soon, this is also a romance but I don't want the romance as the main theme. Let me know your thoughts! 

- Tia 

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