The Let Down

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Thank God it was Wednesday. Anyone religious kid would know that every Wednesday after school was religion. The place that you could prank the teachers and they wouldn't call your parents. The only time that my best friend, Oliver, (dude) would get alone time with me Kate. I had a crush on Oliver a little more than a year now and whenever I had a problem, it seemed like he cared the most. All my other friends would always get mad "you're stealing Sara's boyfriend," and "I'm feeling left out. it seems like all you ever wanna do is be with Oliver." Even though I would never admit it, they were right.


I got out of the front seat of my mom's mercury car. "Have fun." "Ya," I said. There sitting on the step was Oliver. He ran up to me. Almost as if he was REALLY happy to see me. "Hi-ya!" I said. "Hey," he said a bit shy. As I look around, I notice almost every classmate of the 7th grade religion sitting on the front step. "I really don't feel like going inside, teach'll just take my iPhone away," said Zack glumly. Zack was kinda a nobody at our actual school to most popular people. Everyone I guess considers me middle class, even though I feel I should be categorized as a nerd without a social life. Then there was my annoying and gross cousin, Jaron. Jaron and I have our ups and downs but, I guess we see ourselves as brother and sister. "I'm soooo bored," exclaimed Jaron. He was at a spot that you could look down and see the babysitting center, because it was a two story building. "aren't we all," I said in a deep tone. I looked around the small parking lot to make sure no teachers were around. As I look over, Jaron was attempting to throw his book over the side of the building. We all laughed until he chickened out and brought it back up. Just then our teacher, Mrs. Mallow came out the door of the small so called classroom. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING OUT HERE?" she exclaimed. Before we could answer she continued "Classroom, now!"


I walk glumly into the small, weird-smelling room they call the 7th grade classroom. All together, there was twelve of us (even though half of us never show up most the time). Last year I went to only five classes altogether.

We all sit down in creaky chairs that look like they've seen there better day. Finally Mrs. Mallow sighed "I'm NOT impressed by all your behaviors this past year. Why do you guys even come here? Because your parents make you?" We all exchange a look. Yes most of us did come here because our parents make us. But not me. My parents couldn't give a crap less if I went to religion. Well my dad anyway. God was my only savior along with Jesus, but the stuff they teached in my religion didn't make sense. Finally, religion ended at 7:00 at night.


I was going through a lot now (or so I thought). My old best friend Sara treated me like a third wheel. My other ex-best friend, Hailee, started acting different and laughed at, let's just say weird things. That wasn't who I was. I didn't like rap music. Now, I can get influenced, but not peer pressured. I never drank anything alcoholic ever. So besides Oliver, I really had no other friends. Why I'm not "popular" was because I sucked at sports because I had a mild condition of cerebral palsy. What that means is that my mussels were in a knot. So my life at this point sucked. And on top of all that my mom and dad fought a lot.


I said bye to Oliver afterwards and raced into my mom's car. "How was it?" "Good," was all I said. "So that Oliver kid's your friend?" "Ya I guess," I muttered. Oliver always walked home because his house (the size of a mansion) was just around the corner. "I picked up cookies," my mom continues "why don't you give one to Oliver!" She said it like it was the most brilliant thing in the universe. "ok," was all I could manage to mussel. She drove the car up to where he was standing. "Yo Bobson!" I said (it's his last name that I always call him by. Never by his first name.) "Sup Roll?" he said a little louder than usual. Roll was my last name. "Here," I put it in the palm of his hand. "Have this."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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