Chapter one

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Wounded. Like a solider lying in the field of poppies after being defeated in war. Injured and in pain. Injured and like me. As I wonder what is going to happen to me I hear him coming up to my cell and the floors squeak under his heavy footsteps .Then the door flings open and he snarls at me and I scream out in terror. Then he flies towards me and sinks his teeth into my neck. I can't describe the pain. It's antagonising. And slowly I blacked out. As I woke up I can slowly feel blood trickling down my neck. Thick and heavy like cement. Why me. Why did I have to be captured by Dracula? Once I know for certain I am safe I walk around my cell looking for an escape route. Nothing no way to get out or any thing. I'm stuck and I will never see my family or my friends again. I now know what's going to happen because I heard him saying to one of his slaves that he will change me into a vampire like him or I will die in the transformation process. This world is dark and cruel to you everyday of your life and then it takes your life and you are forced into eternal slumber. I hear the bottom of the door unbolt and food and water is pushed through. I think off all the possibilities that he might of put in them but I am so hungry and thirsty that I push those thoughts aside and gulp the water down and sighed as my dry, scratchy throat went away. After I had finished my food my head started to spin and I automatically knew that he had put his venom into the food that I just ate, then I hit my head on the wall and before I blacked out I thought I am the girl that Dracula killed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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