The beggining

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Jeff's POV

Another Murder Mystery day has gotten to the end. As usual, Rodion, who is responsible for MM : Hardcore, was sharing some of his impressions with me. Also, as usual, assassin ruler Victor was sending us to sleep, but we never listened.

It seemed to be the whole eternity passing while I was listening to Rodi.

"Then, he was like..!" - he was saying excitedly, until he was interrupted by a knock.

"Alrighty, I'll open it." - I said and stood up from the sofa.

I came to the door and opened it. I still can't get used to its size.

I was surprised by who I saw there. That's my buddy from Prototype Lobby, Kyle. I don't even know, what to be more surprised about - about the fact, that Kyle's up so late, or the fact, that he even came to my lobby.

"H-Hey, Kyle." - I barely said.

"Hi, Jeff. Long time - no see." - Kyle responded.

"Who's that?" - Rodi asked.

"My f-friend - responsible for Bedwars Kyle." - I introduced Kyle.

"I could've done this myself..." - Kyle said with almost leaning on me.

"I guess you're really close, aren't you?" - Rodion asked.

"Yeah..." - I answered.
"Rodi, do you mind, if you'll leave us two?" - I asked Rodion.

Rodi agreed in some time and left.

"So, how are you doing?" - Kyle asked.

"I guess, you came to ask me about my new life, right?" - I inquired.

"And tell you about mine! Come on! Don't be so secretive as usual." - Kyle tried encouraging me.

I didn't know what to say. It's not like I hate this new life, but I really couldn't pick any words. It seemed to be the whole eternity passing in silence.

"I could've expected that. Well, I guess, I'll be first, then." - Kyle said.

I still remained silent and just nodded.

"What to start from? What to start from?" - I could hear Kyle whispering.
"Pity you weren't in my Lobby, I could've shown you our 'Pyjama party'..." - he said.

" 'Pyjama party'?" - I asked.

"You know, in Bedwars lobby, I'm not the only one wearing a pyjama all the time, but three more people. Can you imagine that? Also..." - Kyle answered.

"Wow, I can see that already!" - I interrupted him.

"At least you smiled. And this wasn't your "brand" one you can do." - Kyle responded.

I decided to play naughty a little and gave him a maniac smile.

"Jeffrey, don't!" - he exclaimed with pushing me.

This ended up with some laughter from both of us.

"Sorry for interrupting. Wanted to say something else?" - I asked Kyle.

"Yes, I did want say more. I wanted to tell you something quite interesting." - he responded.

"Hmm?" - I asked with leaning my head.

"Unexpectedly, the Skywars person moved to my lobby after the realise." - Kyle said.

"Whoa. Did you ask him why?" - I gave Kyle another question.

"I did. He said that there were no house buildings in his lobby. Soo, he used to live in the main lobby. His name's Jordan, if you want to ask." - he answered.

I didn't actually want to know too much about Jordan, I have Rodion and that's enough for me.

"I think it's my turn now." - I said.

Kyle nodded.

"Well...You've a 'Pagama party', but have an assassin one. Aand..there're sixteen of them! Hah! Also MM Hardcore person you've met already and assassin ruler, Vitya." - I continued.

"This's why your place's so big." - Kyle responded.

"Yeah..." - I answered.

I noticed Kyle yawning a lot.

"You're supposed to be sleeping at that time, aren't you?" - I asked Kyle with trying to pick him up.

"I couldn't come earlier because of Jo..." - Kyle said.

"Why?" - I asked.

"He's too active for me. I knew he wanted to help me to familiarize the server, but there were so much places to see." - Kyle anserwed.

"Nevermind, you can overnight here." - I suggested Kyle.

"See? You're much, MUCH better when you want to." - Kyle said with the smile.

He's right, maybe. I could see myself as the heartless maniac until now.

We finally got to the second floor.

"Um, I can't see anything fitting to sleep." - Kyle said while looking around.

I came to the button on wall, which opens the secret hallway, where "our rooms" are.
With no words, I pressed it.

"Ta-daa." - I exclaimed as the wall opened.

"Why not pressure plate? You need to be fast for buttons..." - Kyle asked.

"We...don't want other people here. I mean, they need nothing here." - I answered.

I helped Kyle to enter the hallway.

Kyle's POV

"Were here any people? I'm just curious." - I asked.

"No..." - Jeff responded.

"Well...what'll you do if one comes?" - another quetion from me.

"I...I don't know..." - Jeff answered.

I felt like there's something wrong. But what's it?

Хэй! Я знаю, что вы больше ждёте перевода того фанфика по Minecraft: Story Mode, но я подумала...Автор заморозил ( или забросил, Бог знает ) своё творение, поэтому я не уверена, что смогу поддерживать его перевод ( ну, может, только до того момента, где был закончен оригинал ). Надеюсь на понимание.
Тем не менее, это моё творение фанфикшенов ( хотя это уже больше ванильный Мinecraft )! Оно, по идее, выполняется в виде комикса для иностранной аудитории, но смогу выполнить и в качестве фанфика ( или того же комикса ) на этих двух языках.
( интересно, это нормальный фик? )

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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