The choices we make

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As a non practising muslim Irum always felt too embarassed to confesss to her peers that she was muslim.

For her it was something to be ashamed of...Belonging to the religion of terror.

She has a boy friend who claims to love her.

One night she finds him making out with her so called best friend.

Her parents are not really bothered as long as she gets good grades.

She parties hard just to get rid of that loneliness that seems to trap her no matter how much she tries to escape.

When she meets a fellow muslim at work , she wastes no time in taunting him for his belief.

His lack of retaliation intrigues her.Her loneliness draws her towards him.

He seems to fill that void in her.He keeps directing her towards Islam and slowly but steadily she starts practising.At the same time she gets drawn towards this guy.

Shaitan does not leave a single chance to drag you away from ALLAH.

Even People with good faith fall into the traps of shaitan.

Instead of going about it in the halal way they diverge towards the wrong path.

when she feels the pricks of conscience she asks him to marry her.

But to her utter shock and dismay he dumps her.

Now she feels hallow ,lonley,decieved.

When the person who lead her towards the right path cheats her, her very core is shaken and she is left utterly


will she realise that her one haram mistep has caused her this misery and increase in faith and taqwa or will she go back to her old ways?

The choices we makeWhere stories live. Discover now