arcade hearts

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god, he was so tired.

felix wished he never came at all, but it WAS one of his best friend's birthday and he'd feel extremely ashamed if didn't attend. all that floated in his mind was regret- wondering over and over why jisung had chosen a roller palace for his 18th birthday. jisung had been the wonderful friend he always is and rented the three of them rollerblades. the building was absolutely a mock-up of the 80's aesthetic, disco balls plastered to the ceiling and lazily spinning. there was a bright neon spacey looking carpet as they entered, a black background with patterns of squiggles and stars that made him frown. it's not like he absolutely hates the place, but he's starting to mildly dislike it. even the name made him sigh. what the fuck is a roller palace? felix walks to the main counter, a few steps behind minho and jisung. the employee asks the three of them their shoe sizes, and felix answers truthfully.

they make their way over to a small side room just around the corner from the snack bar where the 3 of them could change their shoes, soon sitting down on the equally neon benches. regretfully, felix buys them a locker to put their stuff in and begins to take his shoes off. the skates were a little tight, and he almost fell immediately as he stood. securing the door to the locker and pinning the key to his pants, he slowly skate-walks over to where the rink began.

so, felix just said 'fuck it' in his mind and actually tried. minho and jisung soon entered the rink. hand in hand so they wouldn't fall. felix sighs, pout eminent, knowing he'd be the third wheel for the majority of the day. the two of them skated off happily, doing it with ease and soon becoming a blur within the rest of the group. with a sigh, felix cautiously enters the ring as well, immediately grabbing for the rail beside him. his breath is shaky, eyes widening as he tries to skate normally like the other people surrounding him. felix bites his lip and tries to move again, pulling himself along the rail and trying to ignore the looks people are giving him from behind it. but, fate always gets to him when he deserves it the most. felix's skate suddenly rolls away from the other one and he falls to his ass, a quiet yelp escaping. he grasps the rail with trembling hands and pulls himself up, slipping once more and falling again.

this happens over and over, and tears well up in his eyes with frustration. to see the other teens skating so easily with each other, laughing and having fun, it just purely got on his nerves. he gets up, wiping the wetness from his eyes and slowly pulls himself over to where he entered. felix ignores the glares from moms beside the rink, stomping over to the table that was closest where he got off. he really wanted to rid himself of these death wheels, sitting down on the table's bench with a loud sigh. leaning his cheek into his palm, felix peered towards the crowd currently skating. there was envy prominent in his glare, though he looked away once he saw minho and jisung.

he checked the time over and over again, just to see if it was any closer to when they had to leave. but time just got slower and slower to him, each second becoming a minute and getting even longer. felix soon stands up and changes out of his skates, getting his shoes out of his locker just so he'd be more comfortable. he really forgot he's with minho and jisung, giving the skates back to the main desk and ordering himself some fries from the snack bar. with his food, he sits down happily by himself. he knows by now that they'd forgotten that he was even there, only caught up in themselves. felix had been sitting there for a little while, finding himself watching people pass by. he doesn't really notice a figure approach his table quickly, leaning against it. he finally stares up, meeting his gaze with a fry in mouth.

"i'm sorry if i'm uh.. interrupting anything.. but, are you alone?"

the first thing that felix notices is the boy's clear accent. it's like his own, thick and australian. a small smile emerges on felix's lips as he inspects the boy's appearance more. peering back at minho and jisung, he takes mental note that he really isn't alone and came with friends.

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