Blue Rose.

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You left me to die I trusted you was loyal I tried to help but was stepped on in the process I trusted you and you throw me away just like they did your now different form her I want to forgive but I can't not anymore I done so to many times you leave and said nothing i knew you had a way to say bye but you forgot you forgot that fast I tryed to be loyal and I was tormented for it my life crumbling away wilting like the rose I once was I am not your rose any more I'm new you betrayed me after all I did to protect you I blamed it on myself i thought I didn't protect you good enough but you were no different from her and you chipped away at me I'm not your rose now not anymore I am a blue rose I'm sorry but I'm not goodbye even if you didn't say it back I will remember even after the torture. -B.R

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