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{Carolyn POV}
As usual i woke up. The sun was pouring through my window. I squinted. Why does the sun have to be so bright? I sighed. Today was Memorial Day and we still hadn't got off of school. I finally got up and look around my pink, plush room. Nothing had changed since i was 5. The only thing that changed were the pictures. I had new ones from last year and this year. The most recent one was a picture of myself and my best friend Zak. Zak was olive-skinned with the darkest hair. He was always busy practicing his kick-boxing so i never get to hang out with him anymore. But, i saw him a couple days ago, he looks so much hotter now. He changed. I knew that. I just hope his personality didn't though. He was always nice and polite to everybody. His laugh was so hearty and real that i couldn't quite fathom what it was like in his house...with him. I still sit on my bed, wondering what his hazel eyes are hiding. If they're hiding anything. I sighed one last time and got out of bed, taking my brush with me. Maybe today will be better.

"Carolyn! Hey! I wasn't expecting you!" Zak looked at me with such kindness and interest that i couldn't help but smile.
"i guess my feet brought me here." i looked down at my pale flats. Zak looked at me and started walking.
"we haven't walked to school together in a while." he observed. i nodded and said, "not since last year." Zak seemed to understand that i was upset by this, so he put his rough, strong hand on my frail shoulder.
"Yeah. i'm sorry about that, Cara." i sighed and smiled.
"it's fine, Z." he seemed to like it when i called him that so i never stopped. Until one day he told me not to. Of course i still did though. i saw him glance at me, a look of worry in his eyes. i sighed, "Is it your dad again? is he still not working?"
Zak looked at me and tried to smile, but failed and looked failed. i didn't need an answer anymore. i already knew. i put my arm around his shoulder and kept on walking.

{Thalia POV}
The leather jacket wouldn't fit. i slowly lowered my fisted hand toward my bed in anger. How much had i grown since the summer? but then, i knew that there was nothing to worry about. my parents could simply buy me a new one, since we were rich. we were rich off the family business which was good for the most part. i scowled as i picked up a jewel incrusted broach. I could see that these weren't real. Obviously in rage i threw it to the side and picked up a 200$ one instead. It was large, but not to large. There was a sapphire in the middle that matched my dark blue crop top, and faux fur coat perfectly. Then, as if it was routine, I grabbed my "love at first sight" perfume by Diór Catour. It smelled of roses and an unmistakable scent of butterscotch and sugar. I have only used it once. I used it for the town festival, where my family and i spoke about the town history. i sprayed two squirts on and fluffed my Black hair. my mother couldn't know that i had been lying to her about last night. about me supposedly shopping. i pondered for awhile, thinking about my lies. my betrayal. well, not betrayal. i blinked back tears and proceeded towards my be-shaggled medicine cabinet. my parents though it was just "part of their theme" but, it needed work. i sighed and took out mascara. this would all end. the spoiling. the abuse. it would. and this year...these nerds at HeronAle school, would pay. pay for my problems. calmly i stuffed the brush into the bottle and smiled. perfect, i thought. just right....

{Carolyn's POV}
Zak wanted to go to Tak's. Tak's was the town restaurant. there were others, but Tak's was the best. no one could replace it. it was our home, our childhood. i stepped inside letting the aroma of bread, and fried food overwhelm me.
"wow. i haven't been here in awhile, Zak."
Zak smiles and said, "me either." he rubbed his hands together. "let's have breakfast before school then." i shot him a dirty look. he knew i always hated it when we, or i was late for school.

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