The Day I met the Doctor

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I hear their footsteps in the yard

And cower behind the door,

But I know that it's just no use,

It's me they're looking for!

The metal monsters have arrived

There's no escaping now,

I need to run away or hide,

But where to go? And How?

Alone and afraid I call for help,

"The monsters! They are coming!"

I feel a hand reach out for mine,

And suddenly I'm running.

I turn to see my rescuer,

Who flashes me a grin,

His hair is brown and messy

And his bright eyes draw me in.

He opens wide a window 

And we start to clamber out,

But I see Cybermen below 

And give a fearful shout!

"We must climb down!" the strange man says,

"They're down there though!" I cry,

"Trust me, I'm the Doctor,

And I will not let you die."

And so we start our slow descent,

And when we reach the ground,

He pulls out a small, strange device 

That makes a whirring sound.

And then a bright blue box appears,

As if out of thin air,

"Get inside" the Doctor says,

“You'll be safe in there!”

Once inside I look around,

And my eyes go wide,

The Doctor laughs, "Forgot to say,

It's much bigger inside!"

"Now wait right here" the strange man says,

"You're safe as safe can be,

I've got to go and save the world!

So for now, Allons-y!”

I wait for him for several hours,

In that strange, mysterious place,

But finally he comes back again,

With a big smile on his face.

“The Cybermen have gone,” he cries

“The world is safe again,”

And though he has a dazzling grin,

His eyes are filled with pain.

“Who ARE you?” I whisper in awe,

“And why are you alone?”

“I’m just a friend,” the man replies

“Come on, let’s take you home.”

We walk back up to my front door,

He smiles and says “goodbye”

I ask him “will we meet again?”

He looks up to the sky,

“I’ll be out there among the stars,

But if you call my name,

Wherever I may be my friend,

I’ll come back here again!”

He winks at me, gives one last smile,

Then slowly walks away,

The lonely Doctor that I love,

Come back to me someday…

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