Chapter 1: What

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June 3rd, 2021.

"Come on you bitch, is that all you've got?"

"Stop being a pussy and give it to me!"

"Fucking hell, Elena!!"

"They're playing Fortnite," Jess announced.

"No way, they're having sex," Peggy claimed.

"Wanna bet?"

"Five pounds,"

"Awesome, I'm gonna be a fiver richer,"

The two were standing in their shared apartment, just outside their third roommates bedroom door, Kristen.

The occasional moans and gasps alluding from inside the room were more than a common occurrence, but it was often difficult to tell whether they were moans of frustration or...something else.

"Welp, time to find out." Jess flung the bedroom door open, revealing two fully dressed women sat opposite ends of the bed, controllers in hand.


"Ha! Pay up, bitch." Jess gloated as Peggy reluctantly fished a five pound note from her jean pocket and handed it to her, before retreating to the kitchen.

Elena looked away from the screen and raised an eyebrow. "What'd you lose now?"

"They probably thought they could catch us fucking again." Kristen drawled as she continued to mash buttons furiously.

"It's 2:30 in the afternoon." She stated, wide eyed.

"Like that's ever stopped you." Jess mocked.

"We're not horny 17 year olds anymore darling. I'm a woman of sophistication now." Kristen winked.

"With that in consideration, please stop having sex on the kitchen counter." Peggy yelled from the kitchen.

"Nothing you haven't seen before!" Kristen yelled back.

Jess scoffed at the exchange before exiting the bedroom, leaving the couple to their devices before entering the kitchen, watching her girlfriend bustling pots and pans around hurriedly.

"Jess, get me the chicken from the fridge please," She spoke quickly, proceeding to ruffle through the adjacent cupboard for ingredients.

"You seem stressed." Her partner observed.

"Adam and Ryan are coming over in half an hour and I haven't even started dinner yet. I need to cook the chicken and make the salad and I don't know if we have enough for everyone and oh god-"

The rambling woman was cut short with a chaste kiss from her girlfriend, gently cupping the woman's cheeks in her palms and lightly dragging her fingers across the curve of the Romanian's jawline. Peggy sighed into the kiss, her rapid heartbeat slowing and arms coming to encircle her girlfriends waist. They broke apart slowly and laid their head's on each other's shoulders, Peggy gingerly raising her arms to stroke her lovers hair, her partner nuzzling her neck in response.

"You chill?" Jess mused.

Her girlfriend whined happily in response, not wanting to let go.

"Come on, you don't need to cook. We'll just order Dominoes."

"Ah yes, Dominoes for three nights in a row. I'm sure our digestive systems will be thrilled."

"Hey, we didn't have it three nights ago!"

"You're right, we had Maccies, again. Much healthier." Peggy retorted sarcastically.

"Hey, scissor sisters. You wanna come watch TV with us or keep standing like gnomes in the kitchen?" Kristen quipped from the doorway. Neither of the two had noticed her presence until she spoke, too absorbed in their own embrace.

"Don't be jealous, boo. I know you're suffering hug withdrawal." Jess retaliated as the two came apart.

Kristen put her hand to her chest in mock upset. "You kick me when I'm down like that? You know I've missed your hugs while I've been away these last few days." She proclaimed, moving forward to hug the Romanian, pecking her cheek before doing the same to the woman she was talking to.

"And who's fault is that? You're the one gallivanting around all these game companies that refuse to hire you."

"They wanted to hire me! They just couldn't handle such a powerful personality in the workplace."

"You spilt coffee all over the CEO."

"Her boobs were in the way!"

"You drunk sexted the deputy manager." Peggy chimed in, rolling her eyes.

"She was hot! What do deputy manager's even do anyway? And getting fired for being drunk? That's pretty unfair."

"Admit it, babygirl. You're a walking trainwreck." Elena yelled from the bedroom.

Kristen frowned, "I don't appreciate you all ganging up on-"


"We're early, fuckers!"

"Ah, the boys are here."

To Be Continued.

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