Love Bites

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A kill only matters when satsification is acheived within it. Not only does the physical pain hurt, but the emotional one as well. A swiff blow to the chest does not hurt as much as to your mind or heart.

To avoid death is to dance with the dark, and to dance with the dark, one must have quick feet. But I was never one to have quick feet. It was always a running game for me. Never a dance in the dark, but only a trot through the forest.

I was never lucky on the battlefield. I'm a great warrior, but it always seems as if something sneaks up behind me everytime. But this time, I didn't let my guard down. I didn't falter in my step, nor did I lose my breath in fear.

This time, I attacked first, and I wasn't consumed in fear. Instead, I was consumed with anger and frustration. But that was my first mistake. I did let my guard down, and I did falter in my steps.

And that was how I killed my mate.

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