First time

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Sans' voice is in bold and Papyrus' is regular text due to swapped roles.

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          "So, you're still set on trying it? You're not gonna wimp out, right?" Papyrus asked his little brother who was happily treading the snow on their way to Muffet's.

         "You bet! I'm determined to know why you're addicted to it!" Sans cheered. After so many nights of Papyrus coming home drunk, Sans wanted to know why Papyrus couldn't resist the devil's drink. He was old enough, anyways. And even Alphys would help herself to a drink, or a few after training. If Sans wanted to 'grow up' then this was surely it.

          "You really are bent on trying it, huh? Just...don't say I didn't warn ya..." Papyrus smiled. Despite his efforts on trying to warn Sans about how strong alcohol is, he insisted on trying it. That made Papyrus wonder, how many times he had gotten drunk this week...?

          "I'll be fine as long as you're there to keep an eye on me!" Sans gladly said. He had so much faith in his brother, but Papyrus planned on having a drink or two to himself. There wasn't much of a variety in the Underground as far as alcohol goes, but it sure was better than nothing at all. Amen to that...

          Brring... The bell to Muffet's place rung out as the skelebros entered. Papyrus picked his usual stool and Sans planted himself right next to him. He was clearly a bit nervous.

          "Oh,  Sans?  My,  my,  it's  nice  to  see  you  here.  What's  the  occasion?" Muffet asked Sans, but the question was for both of them. Papyrus explained for him.

          "Sans would like to try my favorite drink. He's here to see what all the fuss is about." He said, glancing at his brother with a calm and care-free look.

           "Right! What was it called...whiskey?" Sans looked at Papyrus to make sure he was correct, and Papyrus nodded, letting him know he was spot-on. Muffet huffed and gave Papyrus a smirk while she filled two glasses. Sans stared at the smooth liquid with his massively cute, blue-starry eyes. Muffet gave Papyrus that look that clearly said something like "If you don't keep a close eye on him then all of the Underground will haunt your ass." Papyrus clearly got the message since he never stopped watching Sans as he sipped at the light brown, sharp beverage.

         "Wowie! It really...burns. How can you drink so much of this!?" Sans asked beyond curiously. Papyrus lazily shrugged.

         "After the first drink, it all starts tasting like water." Papyrus smiled. Sans took his word and chugged the rest of his glass.

         "Ah! Another please!" Sans sat up straight and pushed the empty glass back towards Muffet's side of the counter. Papyrus was staring at him with wide, almost googly type of eyes. Muffet happily filled Sans' glass up to the brim, watching Sans take it down like a kid eating a bunch of candy after Halloween.

          "Sans, slow down." Papyrus said in a stern tone. Sans hushed his brother.

          "Don' worry 'bout me, bro!" Sans slurred his speech, hard to tell if he was being sarcastic or if the alcohol was already hitting him. Papyrus sighed and looked back into the center of his glass. Sans went all the way up to six glasses before Papyrus and Muffet had to pry him away from the bar. Papyrus only had about two and a half glasses, but alcohol always hit him harder no matter how often he drank.

          "C'mon Sans, can't you walk at all?" Papyrus asked, holding his wobbly brother up. Papyrus had a thin layer of orange blush across his face, but Sans' whole face was bright blue, and he was sweating. He even tried to strip! Luckily, Papyrus gave him his hoodie, but now Papyrus was only in a black tank top and his cargo shorts. Recently, with Sans' obsession on Papyrus' hoodie, Papyrus has decided to wear back up clothing.

         "Oh Papy, why you goda end my f-hic-fun...?" Sans hiccupped one after another all the way home. He was also complaining and ranting nonstop, as if his brain filter shut down. He even started speaking of some private stuff; stuff he really should've kept from spilling out.

           "Didja know, the l-last time I -hic- touched m'self, I had your hoodee on? -hic- It uh...helps m'out when I -hic- can't cuummm..." Sans slurred, his eyes trying to close on him. He grappled onto Papyrus to hold himself up from his unstable, noodle-like legs.

             "Sans, stop talking." Papyrus said as sternly as he could, even in his own slightly drunk manor. His face was a deep orange, almost leaning towards a red-ish hue thanks to Sans' babble.

            "Yur loss, babe -hic-" Sans grinned. Papyrus pulled him inside their home to shun him away from embarrassing them anymore. Geez, Sans really let himself go. Papyrus locked the front door in case Sans tried to pull any funny shit on him. Stumbling a few times on his own, Papyrus set their stuff down and plopped onto the couch where he planned to spend the rest of the night. He looked at his little brother who seemed to be seeing stars.

           "Sans, why don't ya sit with me?" Papyrus patted the seat beside him, really just wanting Sans to relax rather than mess around and make himself feel sick. Sans did just that, plopping down on the couch but giggling when he bounced.

          "Gosh, we shoulda just stayed outside! It's hot in 'ere..." Sans announced.

           "Then take off my hoodie and get comfortable." Papyrus suggested, just wanting his hoodie back so he could take his regularly-scheduled nap. Sans whined and stripped the orange clothing off his body, handing it back over to Papyrus, who gladly took it and slipped it back on.

           "Ahh, finally..." Papyrus sighed contently as he laid back against the armrest, his feet at Sans' side but not touching him. 

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Stop commenting your ages and school grade. This is your LAST. WARNING.
One more comment, and I'm deleting the entire story. Edited 2/29/20.
Your move.

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