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Jon tapped his pencil impatiently on the cherry-brown desk in the library. He was getting way too bored for studying. Damian sat in the corner seat next to him, glaring holes into his head.

"Will you stop that?" Damian demands. "I've had quite enough of your insistent tapping for one day." Jon sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just sooo bored! I can't studying anymore. Can't we go do something else?" Damian frowned at him and rolled his eyes.

"You can. I'm going to keep studying." Damian stated with a peppy air. Jon paused as looked at Damian.

"You have college-level intelligence! What do you need to study for?" Damian stopped writing to turn towards Jon.

"Shh! Be quiet," Damian hushed. "I'll tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"About the case, I've been working on."

"What? Tell me!" Damian paused to reach for the right words.

"Okay, there's an abandoned warehouse by the docks. Some kids have been reported missing." Damian explained. "I was just going through old records about the warehouse. I found out that there's a urban legend surrounding this warehouse." Damian turned the laptop to face his friend. Jon peered at it curiously.

"The Haunted Warehouse, where those who aren't considered worthy get taken by the Old Captain Gotham himself." Jon scrunched his face up in disgust. "Gotham has some of the lamest legends. Hamilton County legends were way more epic." Damian shrugged.

"None compare to the myths and legends back where I'm from." Damian stated proudly. "You'd end up sleeping with your parents, if you aren't already." Damian smirked as Jon punched him on the arm.

"Let's just go..." Jon replied as rolled his eyes and picked up his bag.

They both left the library and headed home. They agreed to meet up in costume at 9 pm, when it was dark. Once 9'o'clock rolled around, Jon was the last one there.

"You're late." Damian stated dryly. Jon frowned.

"Some of us actually have to study!" Damian shrugged checking his watch nonchalantly.

"Well, let's get inside and investigate. I still have to patrol with Batman." Jon stuck his tongue out when Damian turned his back. "Saw that!" He called.


Damian didn't answer.

Over the next thirty minutes, they searched the warehouse for clues. They found nothing until Jon spotted a shoe in a corner.

"Damian, look!" Jon exclaimed. Damian jogged over, peering at the item. "It's a girl's sneaker."

"I see that."

"Hey, there's something big in there..." Jon moved closer and stuck his hand in and quickly pulled it out, smirking. "Hey, little guy." He cooed at the fuzzy creature in his hand. When he looked up, Damian was ten feet away.

"Damian?" Jon asked thoroughly confused. Then it hit him. "Are you afraid of spiders?"

"No!" Damian answered quickly. Jon walked closer and smirk as soon as he heard a whimper escape from Damian's mouth. "Stop it, Kent!"

Jon giggled gleefully. "You're scared of spiders!" He put the spider down and walked over to his friend. He flinched as Damian threw a batarang in his direction. To his surprise, it missed him. "Geez, Dames! You could really hurt me!"

"Tt. You're invulnerable, moron." Damian turned to walk away. "And the proper word for my fear is Arachnophobia." When Jon looked back he was utterly surprised by what he saw.

The batarang stuck out of the dead spider's body.

Jon was glad he wasn't a spider.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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