Coming Out

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Hi, there. I'm Evie Lynch, 16 and well – gay, or a lesbian, whatever you wish to call it. Neither of my parents know, I was always too much of a coward. I was too late to tell my dad because he–he walked out, but I'm slowly working up the courage to tell my mum, I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with it. She's always been rather supportive and motivational, telling me 'I did my best and that's all that matters', back when I was younger and even now, when I need it most.

– – – – – – – – – –

5 minutes to go. 5 minutes until I got go home and relax. Thank God for Fridays.

I was in science, my favourite class – no kidding, my teacher was great, I actually understood pretty much everything, and I had all my friends beside me who I swear looked over at my notes every lesson because they were so jealous. Definitely not bragging. Jeez what are you talking about?

I sat up in my seat as the familiar sound of ringing processed in my head. Finally! I gathered up my things and looked to each of my friends, just before the teacher dismissed us,

"Hey guys, wait up. Uhh..." I nibbled on my lower lip, a nervous habit of mine,

"Yeah? What's up, E?" My closest friend, Maddie, asked after turning to face me. The others, James – a girl, Kyle, and Indiana, turned around just after her, curious looks on their faces,

"I'm er – going to try tell my mum tonight. About y'know?" I grinned sheepishly.

James grasped my shoulder gently. "Hey, go for it! Good job. Text us what she said?"

"Yeah, we'll be here for you," Kyle replied, a warm grin on his face as he looked toward Maddie. There was no hiding the fact he had a major crush on the girl.

"Okay. Thanks guys, and yeah." I waved goodbye and headed off, my heart racing slightly but I felt a tad more confident after my friends' encouraging words.

– – – – –

This was it. I was home.

I looked up at my small, brick townhouse and the black fence that surrounded the tiny garden. I opened up and walked through the gate, pulled out my key from my bag and unlocked the door, making sure to lock it again behind me. I headed through to the kitchen, filled up and put my drink bottle in the fridge – top shelf as always – then headed upstairs to my bedroom.

I dumped my bag on the floor at the foot of my bed after taking out my laptop and putting it on my small desk, and collapsed onto my bed, with a book in my hand. My mum wasn't home yet but she would be close – a few more minutes or so – as she was working, I considered myself lucky as it allowed me to build up my confidence a bit more, but I still felt my heart racing at the thought of being hated my own mother, or worse.

It wasn't long before I heard the front door open downstairs and the familiar, caring voice of my mother. "Evie! I'm home." It made me relax a little, she wouldn't hate me. Right? I walked downstairs and greeted her with a hug and a 'welcome home', she pecked my forehead and put her small bag on the counter, a thoughtful expression on her face,

"What would you like for dinner, tonight?" She asked,

"Hmm? Oh. Anything is fine. Perhaps take-away?"

"Of course." She beamed, "Chicken and chips?"

"Sounds lovely."

– – – – –

Skip the next few hours, and the delicious dinner. I find myself seated on my bed, my blankets wrapped around me as I thought about what I would tell her. I could just straight up say it. "Hey mum. Sorry for not saying this before, but I'm gay." Or I could stand there, stumbling over my words as I try to actually get it out while my brain is freaking out, waiting for a reaction – good or bad.

"Ugghhh. Why is life so complicated?"

"Why can't I just say it? I'm 16 for God's sake."

I fell face first into my blankets and let out a long, frustrated groan, but somehow managed to sit up, take a few deep breaths, and smile a genuine smile to my reflection in the small mirror that sat on the wall in the corner of the room.

"Let's do it."

I pulled out my phone and opened up the group chat that Maddie had created.

E (8.32 PM) – Hey guys. Here goes nothing.

K (8.32 PM) – Good luck! Remember we're here for ya.

M (8.33 PM) – Yea. You go, girl! xx

E (8:33 PM) – Thanks you two.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and slowly walked toward my mum's room which was just across from mine. I peeked inside and saw her sitting on her bed, phone to her ear.

"Hey mum."

"One minute, hun."

I paused for a moment. No. I had to do it now before I lost all my confidence. "Please I-"

"I'm on the phone. Can it wait five minutes?"

No. Not really.

I shifted uncomfortably.

"Mum I'm-"



I noticed her stop as the single word processed through her head.

"Can I ring you back later? Thanks." She hung up and walked over to me. "Gay? Hun, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to – I swear! I was going to tell both of you. But I was too much of a coward – always scared of getting a negative response, and then dad left and–and..."

"Shh shh. It's alright. I'm here for you. Look I have something to tell you, as well," she replied, smiling softly,


"Me to."

My jaw – dropped. I really wasn't expecting that. "You – You're gay? Since when?"

"Well – I've known for a few years now..."

"What about dad?"

"I told him and y'know. He walked out the next day. Said he wanted nothing to do with me or any other those other 'homos'." She smiled sadly and pulled me into a hug.

– – – – –

E (9.00 PM) – I did it. She's fine with it.

J (9.01 PM) – That's great news.

K (9.01 PM) – Holy sh*t. Nice.

I smiled, then opened up a message sent by James.

J (9.01 PM) – Since we're opening up. I like you <3

I blinked a few times to make sure I had read it correctly, and I swear my cheeks were on fire.

E (9.02 PM) – Me too <3 xx

– – – – – – – – – –

Something quick and simple.

Feel free to tell me what you think ^-^

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