Forget me not

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"They were always your favorite." Draco whispered, twiddling one of the forget-me-nots growing beside the two lovers.

"I admit they were never my first choice, but then these evil little creatures somehow seeped right into my heart. They are the reason why we're here after all." With that, Draco closed his eyes and went back to his favorite, or one of his favorite memories. The day when it all started.

The sun wasn't dazzling, nor were the winds blowing soothingly, carrying whiffs of foreign lands mingled with the earthly scent. It was not an ideally romantic setting either, with the sun hung low in the backdrop. All in all, it was a normal day. Just normal. The sun - not too low, nor too high. A pleasant breeze occassionally blowing across the scene. But what was not normal was for Draco Malfoy to be seen strolling in a Muggle Park, amidst a sea of muggles. But then, the war had been a tidal wave that had changed the direction of many-a-ships, some for the best and some for the worse. Draco was lucky enough to have meandered his way onto the former ship.

It was exhilirating to feel. For someone like Draco who has been shunned into the darkest drudgeries that life had to offer - an abusive household, a cold, distinct paternal care, and then the hellish war - it was a divine blessing to feel again. To be human again. And he was basking in that emotion. He looked around and soaked it all in - those children playing on those weird things. Then there were the mothers worrying about their children on those things. The dogs running around those things. Everything was so commonplace, so warm, so normal. But nothing was alive. Everyone just carried on with their routine. The kids played like everyday. The mums worried like everyday. But no one seemed grateful for that everyday. No one stopped to just think about how great a gift it is to be free and happy - how fragile this happiness actually is and how no amount of their mothers' caution could stop those children from one day getting hurt.

And so when his piercing gray eyes stopped at a petite brunette sitting by herself, her fingers brushing the forget-me-nots growing next to her, a whimsical smile on her face, her eyes closed and her demeanour oh-so placating, he knew that normalcy was broken. He found someone who was grateful. Someone who read in between the lines. Someone like him. But what astonished him the most was that it was Hermione Granger, stalwart alumnus of Hogwarts, brightest witch, Minister of Magic in making, his supposed arch nemesis.

Taking a leap of faith, he had moved to greet her. She had been startled at first, but then she warmed up to him. They ended up talking all afternoon, well into the evening. Draco apologized for everything that had happened in the past, the name-calling, the taunts, and also the war.

Hermione has been patient throughout his monologue. She knew how difficult it was for someone so private and proud like Malfoy to open up about his feelings to anyone, let alone to his childhood nemesis. And so she had heard him pour his heart out in that apology. She was surprised of course to see Draco Malfoy, in a muggle setting no less, but perhaps war did that to people. It made them more mature and more observant. A bit more thankful in life, for life. And so, she had forgiven him. Because everyone deserves a second chance. Because evil is not born, its ingrained, propagated by harsh words, negligence, coldness, and animosity. She didn't want to cultivate evil - not in someone like Draco. He was a far cry from the blonde git at school. He was a man now. A sinfully handsome man - the sensuous glances of women and some men towards the blonde angel was testimonial enough. But most importantly, he was now a good man.

It was clear in the way his grey eyes were no more cold, but like molten silver, held a warmth in their depths. How his lips curled up in a genuine smile every time he chanced a look at the children. How his voice constricted while apologizing, expressing his heartfelt morose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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