The first event.

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Warning. There is some possibly triggering content in this drabble.

Read with caution and remember... "It's only a game."


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Legend has it that a tree grows "in remote mountain valleys in China".

The Jinmenju's appear to be "human heads. The faces are

always smiling or laughing, even as they fall from their branch."

(— (adjective) In our list of most beautiful words in the English language, sempiternal's beauty is found on every basis: from its definition, to its aesthetics and pronunciation. Sempiternal is defined as the eternal and the everlasting. There is nothing more tragically beautiful than permanence. Even looking at the word projects beauty; each syllable and sound complement each other.

Noah and his fiancee had welcomed a baby boy to this world

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Noah and his fiancee had welcomed a baby boy to this world. Though, she was happy, he was not. Noah hated children and this would only stifle his modeling career. She trusted him with the baby. She had to go to work and of course he is left to stare at the not even a month old baby. All was well until the baby started to cry and his heart had started to flutter nervously.

It has been 4 weeks since he last tasted human flesh. His secret still intact and yet, was slowly slipping through the cracks of the floor. Curiosity was getting the best of him. What would little James taste like? Would he be tender like the teenagers? Or more... Succulent... A delicacy? His little head reminded him of a Chinese tale of a tree that grew human-like heads and you could eat them.

But, this was reality. His fingers moved onto the boy's head and smiles as he picks the child up & to his chest. "This world doesn't deserve you.. You're pure and it is not." He said with an emotionless face. His face leaned in and smells him, kissing his cheek. Heart racing again. A sigh is heard as he laid him back down and the child stares at him with a slight smile. Noah closed his eyes.

He was fighting this. He turned to put on some classical Japanese music on. It seemed to soothe him for the time being. He was sitting on the end of his bed and fingers seemed to keep scratching. Eye twitched as his heart seemed to speed and his mind on fire. Thunder roars and the child cried out. He just.. Sat there. The crying started to echo and Noah's eyes widen. He paced for a bit in his room and then walked to the kitchen to soon grab a knife. The echo of the blade leaving the drawer filled his head with the cry of little James. Noah couldn't take it anymore. He storms into the room, he held the knife to the child, but moved it.

Scooping the baby up, he sees his own reflection. The boy's face pressed to his own chest and hand pressed to the back of the boy's head so that he couldn't move. It was soon he pulled the child back and the color was gone from his little face and Noah's heart pounded. He leaned in and inhaled the boy's sent, eyes rolled back. Fingers gripped his body. He is laid back down and tears fell. He just killed his son. His only flesh and blood. "I'm sorry... I'm.. I'm just so hungry, you see..Forgive me." He hesitantly raised the knife, shaking as he proceeds to cut into the arm and held it to his lips and the blood caused him to groan. It was so rich, pure.. Teeth sunk into the still warm flesh.

It was several hours later. He devours parts of the face, the abdomen, legs and heart. He couldn't stop. Blood covered and hating himself. He places the remains in a trash bag and holds it in his arms. He couldn't dare look at the baby. He had completely mutilated James. The tears became hysterical as he laid there. It was then silence overcame. The music had long stopped, but the rain didn't. "Noah? James?" It was then she is taken back and she knew what he had done. She was frozen on her knees. "Noah.. Why... Noah.." He says nothing and just holds the bag to her. "I couldn't stop myself. I'm sorry.." She started to hit him. Hit him over and over and he slammed her to the wall. "If you tell anyone the truth... I will kill you, too." He whispered and kissed the corner of her lips.

She falls with the bag and he stumbled to shower. A week later, the pair is at the funeral. The body nowhere in the vicinity. A friend cremates the remaining body so that the police aren't involved. Noah leaves Georgia that with with a car full of his belongings and parts ways with the girl. He to this day, even if it happened in November of last year.. Regrets it and often wakes up from nightmares.

"Dog, now Razor, gazed out from behind a dead man's face, fresh blood that wasn't his dripping into his eyes. He looked down at the corpses at his feet, the skinned skull of one staring back at him with dead eyes. Dog knelt down and plucked the orbs from their sockets, popped them in his mouth and chewed with hungry relish."

― Jake Bible, One Foggy Night

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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