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Now nigs u all read vol3 right
~Ok ok i know u enjoyed it
So ima cut right to it
From the last vol i left it of at babysit
So this lady asked man to babysit
She said she would pay me if i did it for 4hrs so mans like ok y not yeah
I sit on her baby for 4 hrs
Can u believe the audacity this lil nigga has to call the cops on me
Like what my guy u said u'd pay me to babysit for 4hrs
And i sat on ur baby for 4hrs like what pay me
Not put me in jail lmao
Like what no
Like a nigga was just tryna help
Anyway now the baby is dead but like that was the plan right idk man like see
The kid was crying and all and like i thought it was crying with laughter so i kinda threw a banana at it idk i thought it would catch it or something
This dumb child didnt even catch so i made fun of it and then sat on it again
(Tbh nigga should've hit the gym or something like lil nigga had no gains)

~Anyway mans in jail now so pls buy this book and help me to bail out

~Aiiio nigs btw who wants to be my security guard the post is still open
Like i was gonna ask the lady to be my security guard but she a rude nigga (still didnt pay me btw)
Like i sat on her kid properly and all

□Self note: you the best nigga ignore what the cops and the dumb lady thinks

If u want a nigga to write more buy vol 1,2 or 3
And comment and vote
Thank u niggs

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