To the World Cup and Beyond

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"Brazil?!? You chose Brazil over Spain? How dare you!" said my mother when I told her I was going to be part of  Brazil´s National Soccer Team.

"I can´t believe it either Alice, but she can´t just let this opportunity pass by." said my father trying to calm my moher down.

Well, this is how my life works. We argue, we fight, and we feel temporal hate for each other but at the end of the day the family comes together again. Right now, I have no time for nonsense discussions because tomorrow I will be flying to Brazil, to be part of their soccer team.

"I thought you were a terrible player." said Maria, my best friend when I called to tell her.

"Why does everyody think that I will be playing?!?! I will be the team´s manager, because indeed I´m a terrible player Maria." We both started laughing while I prepared my luggage. They told me not to take a lot of clothes because they would be giving me new ones, the uniform I guess, so I only packed my underwear and some hoodies just in case. I never really imagined that I would be working in this industry, I always pictured myself as an office girl, but as they say, you never know.

"Why did you choose Brazil?" said my little brother Toby as he entered my room.

"I don´t think I chose Brazil, I think Brazil chose me." I said winking.

Toby was looking at me with a weird expression. Nobody really understands my philosophy, if that´s how you call it.

"Nevermind." I said.

"It´s not fair, you don´t like soccer and you´re going to go to the World Cup!" he said as he started to leave with an angry-but-sad look in his face. He was right, it´s not fair.

"I know it´s not fair but I never said it would be. Besides, if we get to the final I promise you´ll be there, and I will be sending you souvenirs eventually." I said with a smile.

"We? We are not Brazilian, Sonia." and he left, closing the door behind him. He was right, for some reason I had completely forgotten that I wasn´t Brazilian.

My luggage was ready, so I decided to go to bed early. 


She looks so pefect standing there

In my American Apparel underwear

And I know now that I´m so down

Five Seconds of Summer was my alarm that day. I showered and got dressed. Before opening the door, I turned to say goodbye to my room. When I felt ready, I opened the door sure of myself, confident that whenever I came back, I would have accomplished my biggest dream and the only reason why I had chose Brazil... meeting Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. A reason that nobody knew except me, a reason that to others might sound stupid or crazy, but to me it was enough. Enough to decide moving to the other side of the world without my family and friends, enough to decide to work in the sports industry when I didn´t even like it. Enough, simply enough.

"Good morning! Are you ready darling? There´s some chocolate cake in the fridge if you wanna take some." said my mother when I went out. She had this happy look in her face that made me realize she wasn´t angry anymore and that instead, she supported me. It made me smile.

"Hey mom! No thanks, I prefer not to eat anything right now. I feel a bit nervous haha." I said with a nervous voice.

"Okay so let´s go then. Toby, Richard hurry up! She can´t lose the flight!"

Toby came out first, he was still a bit sleepy so he was rubbing his eyes. He was wearing a green hoodie that made his black eyes look even darker. He waved his hand at me and started toward the kitchen. He took a piece of chocolate cake and some milk while he was looking at me.

"I still can´t believe it." he said with his mouth full of cake.

"I can´t believe it either." I said smiling. "But try to eat properly please, Toby."

My father came out, and to my surprise he was wearing a yellow shirt that said Brazil. It made me smile so much that I reached to hug him.

"Let´s go, are you ready?" he said smiling.

"Yes I am." I said.

When we arrived to the airport, I didn´t really know how to feel. I was feeling happy and excited but also kind of sad. Maria and Lucas were already there. Lucas, the guy that is making everything possible. I met him when we were studying in London a few months ago. His father is a member of the FIFA council, so he offered me this job.

"It´s time for you to leave." said Maria. "We just came to say goodbye and wish you good luck."

"Thanks! I love you guys! I´m nervous you know." I said.

"You shouldn´t be. You will do it fine. We support you Sonia." said Lucas with a smile.

"I promise I´ll call you whenever I can guys. I will miss you."



"I don´t wanna pressure you, but your flight is already boarding sweetie." said my father.

"Just one minute." I said.

"You should go now." said Lucas. "Remember that if you need anything my father is also there." We hugged and said goodbye.

"You´d better send me photos and details! Don´t mess with any of the players!" said Maria waving to me.

"Don´t mess with any of the players... Neymar doesn´t count." I said to myself.

My family was waiting for me beside the cafeteria. They all had mourning looks. I approached to them and hugged my mother first.

"You won´t be missing me forever Mom. I promise." I said in a whisper.

Tears filled her eyes, but she was also smiling when she said "I will miss you sweetie. Take care." 

Next in line was Toby. He shook his head and said "You always get what you want, but however I love you sistah. Take care and call when you arrive." He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I will miss you brotha. And yes, I will call as soon as I get there and every night before I go to sleep." I said smiling. "So make sure you wake up early every day." He started laughing and said "Can I eat your piece of cake?"

"Of course you can." He hugged me again and added "Just please don´t forget where you belong, promise?"



"Last, but never least daddy." I smiled and hugged my father.

"To the World Cup and beyond or what?" he said smiling.

"To the World Cup and beyond father. Always."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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