Jack & Marissa the R-Chapters

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Hey guys, feel free to point out typos, critique. Have decided to publish the hot version too. 


The obvious anger focused on me, the rescuer of said dog, was confounding. My gaze fell to his black high-tops. Impatiently, he skipped stairs in his bound from the bus to the ground. When he snatched the leash from my hand, I met his angry gaze straight on.

      “What do you mean? ‘What am I doing with your dog?’” My voice dropped several octaves to mimic his tone. “Your dog was running loose! Way back there,” With a sweep of my arm, I indicated the stage area before continuing, “And instead of letting something happen to him, erm, or her, I tracked you down!”

      He had picked the pup up and had been petting it during my tirade. Now, he set it down, and his arms irritably crossed. “Oh? Out of the goodness of your heart? You brought Rusty to me?” One dark eyebrow rose as he arrogantly awaited the answer.

      “Rusty?” A bubble of hysterical laughter, spewed along with my query.

      “Should I even ask what’s so funny?”

      “Seriously? Should I even ask what is not?” Now two dark eyebrows rose in annoyance, as I stated the obvious, “The dog is a Jack Russell Terrier?” When he would not move his chin in confirmation or denial, I pushed on, “You are Jack, and your dog is Russell or Rusty?”

      “Rusty, not Russell.”

      “Tomato, tomahto,” Blowing the answer out on a weary sigh, I fell a few steps away, back in the direction from which I had come. Somehow, Olivia be damned, I would find my way home.

      Another weekend night to myself suddenly sounded amazing.  Maybe I would stop by the sandwich deli and pick up a grilled chicken sandwich on a whole wheat bun.  My desire to get through this life-altering breakup without gaining a pound stemmed from the weight problem I had fought through my adolescent years.


      Responding with only a slight turn, I did exactly that, wanting to see what he would say next.

      “Yes. The name was a joke, at first. But it suited him, and I kept it.” The disclosure seemed grudging as he explained the name Rusty. “I’m sorry for accusing you. I left him tied up, out here, just for a sec, while I went back in for my shoes. I’m sorry. I just assumed you took him. Because you wanted to meet me...”

      “Other than your name, which I’ve heard today for the first time, I don’t know who you are.” Facing him fully, I smoothed a sweaty palm over my ragged jean shorts.

     “Yeah. I’m starting to get that. Again, I’m sorry.” His dark brows were now straight, instead of drawn together, and the incredible dark eyes beneath softened. “Obviously, I’m Jack. And I guess you can join the legion of women who add ‘ass’ to that.”

     Jackass. I felt my lips twitch in mirth but controlled them.

      “Marissa.” I supplied my own introduction, and southern manners prevailed, causing my hand automatically to shoot out.

      Moving closer, he squeezed my fingers in his, and a tingle of awareness buzzed every cell as our palms lightly met. The husky timbre of his voice was an intriguing rumble to my eardrums. “You look hot, Marissa.”

      Determined to take the compliment as smoothly as Olivia would, I conjured a sultry look, returning, “Thanks. You too...”

      Surprise flickered through those dark eyes, and when he quirked a smile, a dimple actually revealed itself. “I meant hot.” A slight breeze had begun to blow, and the next gust, from the southerly direction of the ocean, enlightened me to my misunderstanding when it cooled the sweat on my face. But, just as quickly, he amended, “And, of course, hot in every way.” The eyes that slid to the neckline of my shirt, and down for a fraction of a second, supported that endearing statement. “Want something to drink?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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