I Get Chased By A Crowd of Cyclops

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Chapter 1

The summer sun started to rise in the horizon as I stared at my mom's grave. Unlike all the others, hers didn't have letters carved onto it. My. . . relatives couldn't afford to pay that much for the funeral.

My eyes started to sting as I watch two bluejays fly by together. A female and a male.

As they flew away, the female chirped directly at me as if to say something and flew away. I ignored it and kneeled in front of the gravestone. I gently placed a red rose on the green grass and kissed the top of the grave. I placed my forehead on the grave and imagined that it was my mom's forehead it was touching.

The death of my mom was still a fresh memory always replaying like a song stuck inside someone's head. The lightning that electrocuted my mom multiple times and how my relatives looked at me in utter disgrace during her funeral. The time I looked directly at her eyes in tears from the time when she smiled and the life left from her eyes.

I stood up and began walking away, knowing that I may never see my mom's grave again until I return. I placed my hands into my old red hoodie's jacket. My hands were cold and shaking even though it's around 90 degrees outside.

The wind blew my braided black hair from my shoulders to my back. As I started to march down the sidewalk like I wasn't homeless, I started to hear whispers from the graveyard. The wind blew once more making the whispers louder. I turned sideways and scanned the area with my emerald green eyes.

A translucent, ghost-like form seem to flicker near my mom's grave. This wasn't the first time. Angry, I quietly made my way towards the ghost. It's usually a monster or some sort and a occasional ghost. I stood in front of the ghost and glared. "What do you think you're doing at my mom's grave?"

This time, it was a ghost of a young man probably in his twenties with slick dark hair and in a business suit. He scrambled away yelling, "If you ever need a lawyer, call Jack and his friends! Call now and you can get a 2% discount off! Hope you call, Raven Marcia!"

"Idiot! How do you know my name! Scratch that, how do all of you know what my name is!" I raised a fist which was somehow emitting green smoke. I shook my hand and facepalmed. I hate it when monsters and ghosts like that come to my mom's grave, say my name, and just disappear with an evil smirk on their faces!

I rolled my eyes and walked down the sidewalk until a small park filled with trees appeared. I sat down inside a small green tent where blankets and stolen water bottles laid messily around the floor. The tent was camouflaged thanks to its green color and the bushes and small trees surrounding it.

I grabbed a water bottle and greedily drank it. I hadn't drank water since yesterday since a family of bears had found the place and decided that they would stay for the night, freaking me out. So, I slept on a branch and since going to my mom's grave is a morning routine before anything, I had to do it.

In the distance, the sound of chattering kids and a school bus came from a nearby sidewalk. I sighed as I remembered when going to school. I was supposed to go to seventh grade before the incident occurred.

I shrugged. It doesn't matter anyway. I would've gotten expelled from that school anyway because they'll think I'm 'delusional' or 'mental'. Sometimes, I think about that myself. Like when most of the schools I go to catch on fire and they never believed that I said that the fire was green and the school was in ashes because it wouldn't go out by water or anything.

The other time when I was a baby, Mom decided to make me milk and when she left the room with the milk on the table next to the crib I was in. Then next thing thing I knew, some sort of guy went in and put green liquid that emitted green smoke when put in the milk. He then gave it to me with a toothy grin and I could've sworn in my baby memories that he had one eye. And then, my mom was screaming and grabbed the bottle out of my hands because she said something about acid.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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