On My Mind

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Dear Diary,

On my mind again.

She's on my mind again. All I'm trying to do is study for finals, but she's on my mind again.

I don't want to fail this test, but everything I saw reminded me of her. Everything! My textbook, my pen, everything caused the thought of her to rush back into my mind.

I get up from my desk and head to my bed, maybe I can fall asleep, and study tomorrow, finals aren't till Thursday anyway.

I wake up, it's Wednesday, 7:30. I shower, eat, and get dressed. She's still floating in my mind.

I try to wash my head of her, but she just comes flowing back.

8:00. I arrive to school and I see her. River. She's heading to her locker... Her stride tall, her movements resembling a willow blowing in the wind. Truly, we used to be good friends... But then life happened. We faded.

After we started to break away from each other, I developed a crush on River. It was mainly that whole "Want what you can't have" thing.

I walk past River, we make eyes at each other, I blush. She smiles. And I start channeling my inner tomato.

BAM. I walk into the wall. Oh god, I walked into a wall, great going.

"Emma!" I hear my name, I turn, to see my friend Julie walking over.

"Hey Jules," I say "What's up?"

Julie smiles at me,"You coming to my party tonight?"

I return her smile, "Maybe... I have a lot of studying to do."

"River will be there," Julie replied.

My smile rises to a grin. " Okay, I'll come..."

7:30 PM. I arrive at Julie's party. No River. Yet.

8:00. River arrives, instantly I notice, as I'd been staring at the door.

8:15. I work up the courage to talk to River.

"Hey," I say, walking towards her.

"Hey Em, long time no see, eh?" She responds to me, in her smooth, wonderful voice.

10:15. We've been talking, and talking. It's been amazing, but I know I have to be home by 10:30.

We've retreated to Julie's room. We're alone. I don't want it to end.

"Shoot," I look down at my watch "River, this has been great, but I've gotta get home, curfew, y'know?"

River nods "I should get going myself, but here," River hands me a slip of paper. "This is my new number, text me, yeah?"

I grin, setting the paper in my purse "Totally." I walk towards the door.

"Hey, Em?" River asks.

I turn to answer "Yeah?"

River leans up to kiss me. I Embrace it.

River threads her fingers through my hair, I feel... Bubbly... Nostalgic.

River leans back "Don't be a stranger, eh?"

I nod, not being able to find the words to speak.

I say my goodbyes and leave, unable to wipe the grin off my face.

Now we're here. With me writing in you, my diary.

And she's on my mind again.

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