The Sadness of Banned Books: A poem by Cheryl Rainfield, author of SCARS

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The Sadness of Banned Books

When I hear of books being challenged

removed from libraries

banned from shelves

from the minds of young readers

from hearts that need those stories

    to know they’re not alone

    to survive the pain they’re living

I feel a sadness so deep

my chest aches.

I know the desperation

of needing to find

reflections of my pain

in the safety of books.

of needing to know

I’m not alone

I’m not crazy

I can get through this

and healing can happen.

Every book that’s challenged

Every book that’s banned

and removed from shelves

creates a void

where healing could have happened.

It keeps the book from the hands

of someone who needs it

someone who might have used it

to stay alive

the way I did

with books.

© copyright Cheryl Rainfield, September 22, 2013

I wrote this poem for Banned Book Week, and for the book bans and challenges that happen all year long, every year. My own book SCARS has been challenged a few times and probably quietly removed from some libraries more times than I know. Many authors’ books who I love and admire have also been challenged and banned–including books by Ellen Hopkins, Suzanne Collins, Jay Asher, and many more. Recently I’ve seen a number of book bans and challenges popping up, including Tanya Lee Stone’s, and authors being uninvited to speak including YA authors Meg Medina and Rainbow Rowell. It saddens and angers me. Book banning and challenges–and authors being uninvited because someone makes a bullying complaint about their book–shouldn’t be happening.

Books save lives. I know this deeply. Books helped save me; I don’t think I could have survived all the abuse and torture I did without them. And I’ve received many letters from teens telling me that SCARS helped them not kill themselves. I’ve never understood why people feel that they can ban a book. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. But don’t deny other readers a book that may give them hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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