The New Student

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Laurens P.O.V
I was sitting at my desk waiting for everyone to come in. While I was waiting the Fqk boys where whistling at any girl who walked in. The jocks where telling like crazy about the girls they fqk or have fqk before. The cheerleaders where on there phones or drooling over one of the jocks. But then someone walked in. She had a beautiful body. Her eyes where a dark brown that anyone could melt in. Her lips were so perfect and puffy. Her body curves where on point in every way. Her hips could kill anyone with just a hip roll. Her hair was long and curly and so beautiful. "Excuse me." She says to me. " y-yes? How may I help you? " I asked hoping she didn't catch me staring. " Yes hello. My name is Camila Cabello. I'm new in this class. " she says. And did I mention on how her voice sounds like she was a goddess....Damn. "Yes hi my name is lauren. Oops I mean Ms.Jauregui. And welcome to Language Arts take and seat in the front. Don't ask questions I know where everyone site and the front is safe so no one bothers you." I say as I see her turn around to sit down. Damn how could this day get better.

Camila's P.O.V
I sat down where Mrs.Jauregui told me to. But Oh my God. She is so dreamy and incredible. Her while is the sweetest thing. And her Green eyes I could look into them for hours and never get tired of it. Her lips they are so plum I could kiss them for hours and hours. I see her stand up to start the lesson and her curves are on point. Her ass is the most perfect. It looks like something people try to get plastic surgery on but her is real. "Hey here from Luke in the back with blond hair and blue eyes." A guy whispers . Then hands me a paper. I open the paper that says 'Hey baby come to my house tonight I'll show you something you've never had.' So I decided to write back so I picked up my pencil and wrote 'Oh so your gonna give me dick? Cause the only thing I get is pussy. And if you trying to hit on me suggest you stop before I hit your tiny ass dick so hard you'll be the one getting dick' Then I hand the paper back to the person who have it to me. Then I looked back to see Luke with a terrified look on his face. Once he caught me glance he looked down and covered his spot on his pants. I smirked. But when I looked to the front Mrs.Jauregui was in front of my desk. "Cabello I know your new. But if I ever see you pass notes ever again I'll have to give you detention." She says firmly. So I stand up and looked Mrs.Jauregui in her eyes and said " So even tho Luke is the one who past the note first asking me to fuck him. I can't defend my self with a reject to him back? " I asked. "Your the one who got caught not him now sit down!" She said enraged. " Bitch who said you have the right to tell me what to do! Last time I checked you ain't my girlfriend or my mother! When your one of those two then you can tell me what the fuck to do! " I yelled at her. I was so pissed off. "Sit your ass down Ms.Cabello!" She yelled. I grabbed my things and walked up to the chalk board and took the chalk and wrote. 'THIS BITCH AIN'T MY GIRLFRIEND NOR MY MOTHER! SHE IS A HOE! SHE IS JUST WANTING ME!' Then I walked out of the room and walked down the hall to the front door and walked out.

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