If you want more information comment and I might add more.
ThunderclanLeader. Maplestar a maple colored tom
Deputy. Sunspot a grey she-cat with a yellow spot between her ears
Medicine cat. Shadowpelt a grey tabby she-cat, apprentice. Nightpaw
Lionmane a tom with a orange/yellow mane, apprentice blackpawTigerfrost a she-cat with a tiger like pelt and frosty blue eyes
Oakfoot a ton with a oak colored foot, apprentice icepaw
Owleye a she-cat with very good eye sight, apprentice firepaw
Sootstrike a she-cat with a black pelt and very sharp stinging hits in battle, apprentice halfpaw
Frostflower a blue spotter yellow she-cat
Ashenclaw a declawed grey tom that used to be a kittypet
Mosssnout a mossy patterned she-cat with a huge attitude
Blackpaw a black she-cat with a big attitudeIcepaw a blue tabby tom with fierce fighting skills
Firepaw a firey colored she-cat
Halfpaw a blue she-cat that was born missing half of her tail and the top half of her ears
Nightpaw a black she-cat with green eyes and an amazing memory
Firefoot a red footed she-cat , five kitsSwiftdawn a fast red/orange she-cat , two kits
Flameblossom a red spotted blue she-cat, expecting.
Dovetail an old black/grey she-cat who likes telling kits stories.Shadowclan
Leader. Cederstar a brown tom
Deputy. Foxsight a red tom with good eye sight
Medicine cat. Blazeeye a red eyed she-cat , apprentice birchpaw
Smokefur a grey she-cat , apprentice plumpawIvyshade a dark green/blue tom, apprentice pinepaw
Flamefoot a red footed tom, apprentice silverpaw
Ferretear a grey tabby tom with a brown ear
Snakefang a sly grey/black she-cat, apprentice lionpaw
Thistleclaw a sharp clawed tabby tom
Amberfur a red fured she-cat
Foxfur a red and white she-cat
Birchpaw a white and black tom with blue eyesPlumpaw a purple/blue she-cat
Pinepaw a nice gentle dark tom
Silverpaw a silver she-cat
Lionpaw an orange/yellow she-cat
Darkgaze a dark eyed she-cat , one kitTigerfoot a striped orange she-cat with a Blackfoot , expecting
Vinepelt a tom with scars that go down his pelt like vines
Leader. Snowstar a white she-cat
Deputy. Foxpad a red padded yellow tom
Medicine cat. Swanpoppy a white she-cat with black speckles
Reedpad a brown/yellow padded tom, apprentice lightpawSootfang a grey tom with sharp fangs
Emberfrost a red tom with frosty blue eyes
Darkshadow a dark black tom that sneaks everywhere
Shellclaw a tom with curved claws
Lightpaw a white tom with light grey stripesQueens.
Tallbelly a tall she-cat that is often found in the nursery, four kitsBirchfang a white she-cat with sharp fangs, four kits took in two more
Pebblefoot a blind grey tabby tom
Windclan cats taking refuge in Thunderclan
Leader. Dawnstar a light grey she-cat
Deputy. Cinderheart a bright nice she-cat
Dovewing a blue tomStonewind a fast grey she-cat
Nightwhisker a black tom
Otterfoot a brown footed tom
Leafblossom a dark patterned she-cat, three kits took in three moreThe rest of windclan was either killed, ran, or betrayed their clan.
Thank you if you read this all it means a lot to me.
The war (book one of saviour) a Warriors fan-fic
Fanfiction"Shadowpelt come quick, it's firefoot she's kitting." I bolt out of my nest into my herbs. once I have the herbs that I need I head to the nursery. "Sunspot can you get nightpaw for me I will need her help." Sunspot nods and runs towards the medicin...