Chapter 1.

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Run. I sprinted over a field covered  in red. Everywhere you looked .... every corner, every inch. Suddenly a hand reached out for me , pulling me into oblivion.........


I shot up to find my older brother by 5 years staring at me. "You okay?" He was used to this (me having nightmares) "You were screaming this time".  Me and Jason were really close. Even after he left for college he made time for me and we talked for hours every day. I had closed up towards most people but he wasn't one of them. I have a dark past. It wasn't actually all rainbows and sunshine. But he never "abandoned" me.

Let me introduce myself : My name is Scarlet Wilson, 16 years old, junior in RingWood High School, adopted into the Wilson's family when I was six. Apparently my blood mother did not want a child and had dumped me off at an orphanage on my first birthday. I had been adopted quite a few times before but there were certain... complications/circumstances due to which I was sent back. The orphanage was somewhat of a cosy place. It was owned by an elderly couple who did not have any children of their own. I was one of the youngest there. I got along with pretty much everyone. That changed after a certain event which we will discuss later on. Now back to the story:-

Jason wrapped an arm around me. We stayed in this position until he was sure that I had calmed down. Jason had always been overly protective of me. Just let me tell you that no boy gets 10 feet near me as long as Jason is around. He has this one death glare that would even scare off batman. Anyways I soon fell asleep again and was (thankfully) not disturbed by any nightmares again.

The Next Morning

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I'm not much of a morning person, but since my stomach decided to become an animal that morning, I dragged myself out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. After a quick shower I put on black tee-shirt with jeans and headed downstairs. I walked into the living room to find Ethan (eldest of Wilson siblings) holding a bottle of maple syrup upside down over Jason's head. "Ethan!!!!!! I just fucking changed! Now I'm going to get late thanks to you!" Jason growled. "Well that's what you get for touching MY pancakes" Ethan replied. Is it a bad thing that I'm used to this?

I went around Ethan so that I wouldn't have to pass in between them (no one is dumb enough to do that....probably). I made it safely to the table and had just enough time to shove some pancakes into my mouth and get out of there before one of my brothers got the idea to involve me in their ''unharmful'' mini war. My mother was standing just outside the kitchen door. "Do I want to go in there?" Us being the only females in the family had this bond in which we always had each other's backs (although it is usually her who saves my sorry ass). "Nope'' I answered.
I kissed her cheek before grabbing my skateboard and hoodie, and heading outside.

Yep i know how to skateboard. One of the reasons I get along better with boys than with girls. I prefer staying away from girls....a lot less drama (who am I kidding).

A/N: This is so not true. Open a history book if you don't believe me

Upon reaching school I was smushed between two huge lumps of meat ; my childhood friends aka 2 of the only boys allowed near me (other guys come near me too but only when there is no Jason around). They are twins. Even though the look alike they are totally different. Alec, the older by 2 minutes twin, is a ladies man. Your typical playboy who has slept with more than half of the school's female population. Alex, the younger by 2 minutes twin, a totally shy cinnamon bun. He doesn't talk much around people but when it's just the three of us he starts talking like he ate crows for breakfast. I gotta admit that they got the looks (not that I'll ever say that infront of them). "Dylan is going to be late again" I rolled my eyes, "Tell me something I don't know".

Dylan is the third and last boy allowed near me. He is the clumsy, slow, lazy... thing of our little group. We are partners in crime. The pranksters. No teacher in the whole school has ever escaped our wrath *cue evil laughter* .

Just then a car pulled over....

So... What do y'all think?
Should i keep writing?
please give me some kind of feed back

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