Chapter 4: Nightmares

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Hello my beasties! Sorry for the long wait for the next chapter, but it's finally here! In this little chapter, you'll be meeting with the woman behind the cane, Lilith herself and will be introduced to something very interesting for the future! So away we go my beasties........

You followed Missi down the hall, your mind whirling from what had recently occurred.

Why did she assume you were sent here?

Who was this Duke that she had mentioned earlier?

If vampires were real, what else was?

And more importantly..........

Why did you feel like you had seen Missi somewhere before?

You were sure that you hadn't met, because you'd probably remember if you had seen her before, right? But yet, you had the nagging suspicion that you had seen this girl before, because her face was awfully familiar to you......

Missi stopped in front of one door suddenly, causing you to snap out of your thoughts.

"If you're going to stay here, you might as well have your own room."

She opened the door, and you gazed at your new room.

She opened the door, and you gazed at your new room

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You looked around the room in awe. It was so beautiful!

"I mean it was the best I could do so if you don't like it...." Missi said, waiting for your reaction, her red eyes darting around...... nervously? Why would she be nervous about what you thought? Even if it was sort of cute that she wanted to impress you so much.........

"No, it's wonderful, Thank you." You took Missi's hand and gave her a small smile. Missi clearly didn't expect you to take her hand, but she visibly relaxed when she saw you smile.

"Well, then, I'll just leave you to rest or to do whatever you want then."

She turned her face away from yours and began to head down the hallway. You watched her leave for a moment, then turned and headed inside your new room. Dumping your backpack on the floor next to the bed, you flopped down onto the large, very soft bed. This room was amazing! It was like something out of a gothic novel!

You yawned, suddenly feeling the large wave of exhaustion that was rolling over you. Maybe it was time you should get some sleep. Because after all, getting lost in the woods, being chased by a monster, and meeting a vampire had taken a lot out of you!

Lifting the covers over yourself, you closed your eyes and were instantly back....

in  the deserted streets of your town. It was just the same as you had left it, but all of the houses on the streets were dark and deserted, and clearly looked like no one had been living in them for quite some time. This did not make you feel very comfortable at all. It also didn't help that the streetlights were flickering on and  off in a quick succession.

In all my dreams I drown: Missi x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now