The mask guy

34 2 1

see ya, never gone ma way better will some day
never far away
see ya never gone ma way
better on ma stay
never far away

I was unknowingly humming along the song while walking through stuffing earphones in my precious ear on which I've been thinking of getting a cartilage piercing but too afraid of the pain and wondering if I should spent another night in a cafe spending money on dinner or at home on cooking some barely tasty food..!!!

If I choose option 2 it will be a double loss as it won't fill up my tummy and will go to the trash bin anyways .. so option 1 is way much better .. without delaying I was forwarding towards a nearby cafe

I grabbed a sandwich and soft drinks..

*phone vibrates*


'hello! ki koros?' (what are you doing)


'oh! what did you make for dinner?'

'nothing! subway's cook just made a large sized sandwich for me'

'good grief!! you just have no sense of savings.. everyday lunch at cafe, dinner at cafe.. shopping at free times!! when will you grow up?'


'I grew up enough of tolerating your naggings'

'how is your study and working going on?'

'study is going well.. but I think I should change my part-time job.. I think I should do something more wide'

'do whatever you want do to just spend least time on your nuisance and study more..'


'how can you say my work is nuisance?'

'whatever.. I'll call you later again'

'yh.. ik your chivvies are not yet done..k! bye'


How can she just call my work as a is work!! at least I'm getting paid which is helping me from buying my own necessities!
Doing work as a part-timer is not so easy.. It needs much of patience and toilsome..hah!

As a shop employee I had to deal numerous picky customers at one day.. Does she know how much patience it needs?! hah!

But it's high time I need to change my part-time job.. I should look upon to something that doesn't need to be deal with this kind of extreme patience..!!

customers are the worst creatures of the world

Thinking all of these I didn't realized when I finished my sandwich.. But yet I don't feel like going home.. so I ordered another one

While waiting I was surfing the web wishing to see some my type of job offers .. as I don't have to spend much time in uni I can give more time for work

'oh no! battery dead.. I should charge my phone more often' I said it loudly

After draining that poor battery the only thing left do to was looking around the cafe

The cafe is nicely decorated.. it clearly tells the owner has a good taste.. It is all over crowded.. no seat is available rn..
I've seated on a table that is exactly in the middle. Usually I always prefers a corner table! But today I missed it.. However on my left side there is a couple having their quality time and on my right side two friends are toasting on soju..

Ah! my sandwich is taking too long.. I was about to call the waitress when I saw a man wearing a black mask entering the cafe in a mysterious way..he was rolling his eyes continuously.. he was looking like he has to hide his identity in order to sstay alive no matter what.. but sadly he has to go back bcz there is no place to sit rn

He talked with the waitress.. but the waitress didn't tell him to go back.. rather she looked at me and was approaching me with that mask guy.. I was so unready for this!!!

wait! why am I founding her like she hired a serial killer for getting revenge on me and now she is going to introduce me him and will tell him to punish me? like those movies..
do I know her?did I ever do any wrong to her? did I ever harass her anyways? I tried hard to recall

They came to me by then.. but the things didn't happen like my imagination
She sweetly approached me and asked me if I have any problem sharing my table with him..bcz there is no other seat vacant here..

I was dumbfounded..

It's just too uncomfortable for me.. how can I let this mysterious mask killer sit with me.. I won't be able to eat my meal freely infront of him

I was just about to deny it..but lastly I got agreed..

He politely bowed and said
'gam sa hamnida'
I didn't bowed and said smiling
'it's okay'

wah! he is so polite.. eh! how can a serial killer be this polite?!!! I think I've gone way too far.. he isn't a serial killer..

He brought out a laptop from his bag and started to do some work..

I was feeling a bit curious about this mask guy as he didn't feel like other normal guys.
I was pretending to look here and there while actually by the corner of my eyes I was checking on him

He was wearing a black T under a military jacket pairing with a black jeans.. a black hat hiding his hairs and a black mask hiding his mouth and nose..
also a silver chain around his neck.. head to toe black!

Although he was dressed like a chic..he was looking damn mysterious because of his dressing style specially his mask.. I mean who wears a mask in a cafe??

The way he is working on his laptop and the way he is hiding his whole physical identity.... is there any possibility of him being a undercover agent? *galp* his looks are so obvious for a undercover agent.. haaaaaaaa? seriously undercover agent? daeback!!!!

While scanning that mysterious mask guy, my sandwich arrived.. but my whole attention was on that undercover agent.. I mean that mask guy

He didn't even ordered anything.. working on his laptop since arrival, glued his eyes on the screen...
I was so absent minded that I didn't even realized when I started glaring at him..

Mayb because of my glare he felt uncomfortable
He looked at me and sitting out his chair.. but me being unbothered and brazen continued my mysterious glare at him..

'your sandwich is getting cold'

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