The Wrong Place?

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They had lost against Too, again. He couldn’t believe it, 130-60. The buzzer echoed in his head without pause. All he could see was the score on the screen, he didn’t remember going home, taking a shower, eating something or even getting into bed.  

Yeah, sure, things were different, more complicated for them now that they don’t have Kiyoshi on the team this time. But the fact that Coach had to bench Kagami-kun for his injury in the last game against Shutoku had just made things worse.

But, they could still have won, or at least ended in a tie like they had against Shutoku. If he just could have used his misdirection on them, things could have gone really different. but he couldn’t and never would be able to against them, because he had used misdirection overflow last year. He wanted to regret doing it but he couldn’t, not when the match brought Aomine-kun back after all.

Then he felt like shit. He had just thought that they could have won only with his misdirection, “Does that mean I think I’m more important to the team that someone else?” He thought with panic. No, this couldn’t be happening, he wasn’t better than his teammates, he didn’t think like that, he didn’t… did he? Of course he didn’t, it was… “Then why do I think it’s my fault?” He couldn’t think of this anymore, he tried to sleep.

He couldn’t sleep.

He just couldn’t. He couldn’t breathe normally either, each time he closed his eyes the score was shown in his head, the faces of his teammates, the face of Kagami-kun, the triumph on their opponents’ faces… everyone but the sad expression on Momoi-san’s, and worst of all, the disappointment on Aomine-kun’s face.

“Does that mean that he thought I was better than I actually am? Why does it hurts so much? Is my ego what hurts? Last time it was like this too… does that mean that all this time, what I really wanted was to show them I’m as good as them? Do I consider myself superior?”

He let out a big breath and gave up on trying to sleep, he just couldn’t do it tonight. He wanted to go out for a walk, so he got dressed and left his house. He thought about waking up Niggou but he decided against it, he deserved to sleep.

An hour later he was very grateful to have decided that, when he almost bumped into the Yakuza.

He was was lost, that was a fact. He had walked too much without observing his surroundings, which wasn’t usual for him, but he had just needed to walk, feel the cold in his face and disconnect from everything.

And he did, he walked until he heard voices, and for the first time looked at his surroundings. He didn’t recognized the area, he was definitely lost. he thought of asking the people he had heard talking earlier, so he walked back and listened to what they were saying for the first time. A deal between yakuza, great just great, he was in serious trouble. He didn’t move and applied all his misdirections technics, praying to god it would be enough to not be seen.

He was on edge, trying to not to move. He observed them closely in case someone had noticed him arrive. Nobody had noticed, good, he just needed to wait. He tuned out the conversation but he could tell they were arguing. And then, in a fluid movement someone grabbed a gun and shot the other man in the head.

“This can’t be happening,” Was all Tetsuya could think. He almost blacked out, but his survival instinct showed in that moment to protect himself. he couldn’t move, couldn’t think, all he could do was stand still there, watching how some of them fled and how the others took care of the body, the dead body.

The hours passed and everyone left the scene. Everyone but Tetsuya. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t stand still anymore, his legs gave out and he fell on his knees to the cold ground. He didn’t remember anything about the defeat of his team anymore, he couldn’t care less about things like basketball anymore, all he could do was stare at the now empty spot where the body had fell. Eventually he fell asleep out of exhaustion.

He woke up on a hospital. Why was he in a hospital? the last thing he could remember was going out for a night walk, what had happened? Just then the door opened.

“Ah, you’re awake, good. Can you say what you remember?” The doctor asked.

“The last thing I remember is going out for a night walk, after that… I don’t know, I can’t remember.” Tetsuya said truthfully.

“Okay, let me examine you.” The doctor examined his pupils, his mouth and others things on his face and his body. “It seems you suffered a big shock. Something traumatic must have caused so much stress that you've suffered dissociative amnesia. It’s not dangerous and it won’t affect you in your daily life, but you may experience some anxiety and flashbacks. You can go once your parents check you out.” and so he called his parents to tell them where he was, so they could pay for the hospitalization.

Everything went back to normal after that. Yes, they had lost their spirit with that defeat, but they were slowly recovering and they still practiced all they could, so Tetsuya thought they could still win the Winter Cup. After all, they had done it last year.

Tetsuya didn’t remember anything, he slowly stopped thinking about the incident, but that didn’t mean it was over. The Yakuza themselves hadn’t seen him, but the camera they had set up to record the meeting had, and in that precise moment the Yakuza were freaking out, and looking for him.

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