U n i q u e C h a p t e r

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     Her hand was fast unlike her thought. She couldn't get the concentration she needed but instead, she got distracted from every single little thing that happened; going to the café was supposed to help her develop some unique ideas for the poem she was working on.

"Come on! Write about how hot and good the coffee is!" Amelia thought. 

While massaging her temple she drinks even more of the coffee, the hot liquid slowly goes down her throat generating a sense of disgust in her being. It had less sugar than normal, or was that how she perceived it?

The weather was too cold for her taste, the place she was in was too full and she was about to fall asleep, the effects of the coffee were not working with her. The relaxing background music was genuine, probably the only thing that did't bother her a bit.

If she could not think of a good poem, she would oversleep again and not only would she arrive late to school, but she would probably do it badly and lose the grade.

Yes, the girl we are talking about is a little bit... Pessimistic.

The pen was affected, it was being strongly squeezed by all the force in her hand and if she applied only a little more force, she would probably break it in two.

Stress. Stress. Stress.

It was too late to go to a library and check out any poetic books, there was no wifi zone nearby for her to search a sample poem and save herself more than half the work. Why did she have to forget the whole project?

It was one of the most important subjects, she couldn't fail the highest grade of the year of the easiest class - for her -.

"Alright, I'll try something..."

"Roses are red

and violets are not blue,

I hate when I forget

Language teacher, fuck you."

It wasn't bad at all, it was horrible and short for being a final project.

Also, she couldn't forget that the theme was 'someone you don't know' and that the teacher said she would not accept any work that has nothing to do with it.

Her stress meter was about to explode, drops of ink spilled from the pen and stained what was the draft project. In an exasperating moment like this, she could call her trusted friend or the girl who did chores if they paid her.

But as I said earlier, it was too late for anyone to be awake.

She was lucky to find this small place still opened, if she went home then she would probably distract herself with her computer.

Her fingers began to tap rapidly the table, she had no choice but to surrender and all the stress and exhaustion took over her, the table was hit very badly by both her hands and in that, most of her stuff fell to the ground.

And then it happened.

Not the breaking of anything but the exploding. There was ink everywhere, in the table, in her face, in her clothes... Everything was horribly stained by a black color which looked more like a dark blue.

She gave a quick glance to all the people that were there.

There was only one person, it was a short haired girl staring at her in confusion. Her hands held a handkerchief to which a few drops of ink had fallen.

Her beautiful green eyes resembled shining emeralds and her pale skin made her incredibly cute and delicate, just like a doll.

She looked like one of those lovely ball-jointed dolls, like the limited edition ones.

"W-Would you like some help?" Her soft voice with an English accent sent shivers down Amelia's spine, she was slowly becoming embarrassed because of her appearance and the normal pace of her heart was disrupted.

Both of them were slightly shocked and the atmosphere began to be tense and heavy, the 'nameless' girl crouched down until she was level with Amelia's eyes, she didn't know what else to do, so she just gave a little nod and tried to pick up some of the mess she caused.

The table was raised and placed back again were it should have been the whole time, everything was picked up and there were no longer ink puddles.

Or at least on the furniture, it was difficult to clean those stains from the clothing.

"I-I'm really sorry, I d-didn't mean to" Why am I stuttering now? Why is this girl so pretty and perfect?

"Oh, do not worry about it. This kind of things happen." She smiled cutely.

When she was about to go, Amelia realized something.

I need to know about this girl.

"H-Hey... Um, what's your name?" 

She turned around, "I'm Phoebe, and you?"

"Amelia..." She replied dumbfounded by her.

Phoebe smiled again and turned around to go back to her work, Amelia's face was all covered up with a bright crimson red.

Then she found herself writing avidly a poem.

The poem had 4 stanzas - which means it had four groups of verses - and all of them had as a principal theme her confused feelings and the beautiful girl she just saw.

It was made with letters that formed words, words that formed sentences and sentences that created an image.

     "There was once, a beautiful lady who resembled a doll

Standing in front of my eyes.

Her beauty couldn't be compared to anyone else's

She was like an angel who fell from the skies.

     Mysterious was her personality

She could be everything, I barely knew her

About her, I only learned the name;

And that's how things were.

     What else could I do?

Jump right into fake conclusions,

Forget about the reality around me

Or create unrealistic illusions?

     Do you believe in love at first sight?

It doesn't exist.

But how can you not be attracted to those emerald-green eyes?

It's something you cannot resist."

After writing the poem, amelia felt flustered and her heart was about to explode from her chest. Phoebe was constantly looking at her and the interest in her eyes for what the other was doing was beyong this world.

Noise could be heard from outside the café, it was raining a lot and the place Amelia was in, it was going to close soon, the clock marked it was extremely late.

Amelia packed her stuff as she saw the last people there were leaving, at the end she realized a detail that she forgot to plan; bring the umbrella. She decided to get her stuff under her shirt and just leave, there was nothing else to do.

"Yay, I'm going to get wet." She thought ironically while walking to the door.

Then she felt a soft tap on her shoulder.

"I see you have no umbrella, would you mind walking home with me?" Phoebe was now in casual clothing, looking even prettier than before and Amelia couldn't help but blush.

"Not at all."


Jsjsjs, I really enjoyed writing this.

Hope you like it!


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