Pop Never Went The Weasel

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Authors note: ANOTHER FAN-FICTION! I have nieces that are twins. I know I'm very old I'm only 19 but yea so my nieces said that I should write a story about there new friend laughing jack, I wonder who he is? ;)...


When I was little I had an imaginary friend, he looked like a clown but I always saw him to be the most beautifulest thing ever. His name was Laughing Jack, he was funny and we would talk all day, he'd ask me about school and the things I liked. One day he offered me candy but I rejected, I was just 5 but I knew that I shouldn't be taking candy from strangers. Though Laughing Jack wasn't a stranger he was a friend, though if he was such a friend why did he run away when my mom would come.

My 5 year old mind never thought about this and sorta had a little crush on Jack, one day I tried to kiss him but that ended up in a fail. Oh right my name is Candy Jones, I like my name it's so funny because I love candy.

Well back to my story, I tried to kiss him but he scooted away from my grip and acted like nothing was wrong. I finally gave up and just played games with him, he was so funny and would always make me smile. I'm not much of an active or fun kid, more like the loner in the corner with a depressed face. That was back then when I was younger huge difference, something else that I had was I was very tall for a girl my age. My parents where tall and so were there families so I was bound to end up being a giant, I'm 6'1 in height so that's scary. I can never date a guy without getting laughed at school, oh I'm getting out of topic again.

So one night while I was sitting on my bed reading like any 5 year old does, I was a nerd again getting off topic. I saw Laughing Jack enter my room, I smiled at him but he looked different I didn't mind, he did wear the same thing everyday, I was happy he actually changed cloth.

"You look so cool" I remember telling him when he entered, after giving me a puzzled look he jumped on the bed pinning me down, I thought he were playing wrestling so as any kid I fought back laughing. "Stop hehehe Your so strong!" I remember yelling at him but he didn't do much, after a creepy laugh, me still thinking we were playing he took out a knife. I think that's when my mind was alarmed that the so called friend was trying to murder me or maybe was it when he tried to stab me, "Oo what you gonna do with that?" I asked starring at the weapon, the fact that my voice sounded like a joke was were I noticed it. He rose it and my mom burst I and he turned to her. "GET AWAH FROM MY DAUGHTER!" She yelled, I giggled and waved my hand at my mom "Mom don't worry this is Jack were just pla-" I remember cutting my self off then looking at jack "OHH" I said in realization that the game was long by over and he meant business.

My mom ran to him and pushed him off, my mom used to be an old time wrestler so she was kinda buff or extremely buff. After they fought and I crawled in a corner shaking at how stupid I was. I finally decided it was time to yell so I did what my mind told me and started to call the police, forgetting how to dial 911 I finally realized how stupid I am in a time of danger and then dialed the number when the operator got on the phone I sounded like an idiot. "MY IMAGINARY FRIEND IS TRYING TO KILL MY MOM OR MY REAL FRIEND IS KILLING MY MOM, Hold up one second, Jack are you real or fake?" I remember asking jack he gave me a stupid annoyed look and I then looked at my mom and nodded "Ima go with real" I said and turned to the operator "My REAL Imaginary friend is trying to kill my mom, his name is Laughing Jack, he likes to be funny and goof he also is a good kisser and is very pretty" I continued to say not noticing that my mom was already brutally murdered and the killer was heading for me. So yea I was a stupid child when I was younger. "So I'm a good kisser?" He asked walking to me, I nodded my head and kept talking on how awesome he was, "Oh wait never mind he already killed my mom, thanks for your help" I said to the operator, I looking at my mom, I hanged up and turned to my moms dead body, "You put on a great fight" I said with my hand on my chest, and then prayed. "How can you say all those good things about me when I LITERALLY JUST MURDERED YOUR MOTHER!" He yelled, I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm adopted" I stated, he face palmed himself , "Fine whatever I'm going to kill you now" he stated, raising the knife, I looked at my mom, and then looked at Laughing Jack he was eating some Candy. "I want candy" I said he sighed, and rolled his eyes. "I won't kill you Candy" he said walking to my window, I jumped out of my bed and walked to him grabbing his hand, and gave him a warm hug on his leg since I could only reach it. "I'll always remember you" I said, he wrapped his arms around me and smiled but it wasn't insane. "Pop never went the weasel, it stayed alive" he said before jumping out of the window.

That was the last time I ever saw Laughing Jack as a kid, I'll never forget him, because he didn't let me pop.

Pop never went the weasel.

Authors Note: Hey again! Hope you enjoyed the prologue, hope you enjoy the first chapter it gets intense trust me, hoho spoilers like River Song always says. If you know who River Song is tell me in Comments below what show she's from and if you want a fan fiction of that show.

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