Chapter 1

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There are two things that I hate most in this world:

1. When people are mean to others for no reason

And 2. When i get woken up unexpectedly from sleeping.

One of which, which was happening right now.

Lucky me.

The curtains slide with a familiar screech, and I can feel the rays of vitamin D soak into my skin as the sun burns through my windows. And my eyes. "It's time to rise and shine!" My mother says exuberantly. She stands in front of my window, and pins the curtains behind their holders, keeping them in custody. There is no possible way for me to cower from the light now.

I stuff my head into my comforter and moan loudly, digging deeper into my sheets. Hoping, somehow, that I miraculously become one with them and disappear. I hear my mother sigh, and then exhale with a soft undertone of satisfaction.

I don't need to look up to know she is grinning her ass off. The woman knows I'm not dedicated enough to compromise my sleeping position to close them again. It's game over for me.

"Mom," I say, "can you please close my curtains." My words come out in a jumble of indecipherable syllables, as I remain covered.

"No can do honey buns, we got lots to do today," she says patting my head. "I need you to help me pick up the plants that I ordered in last week, and then I can finally start redoing my garden."

I take a sparing peek out from underneath my sheets as she claps her hands together and grins widely. Her feet pad slightly on the floor and she dances from one leg to another. To say she is excited is an understatement. She looks like a kid fantasizing about her gifts on Christmas Eve before getting to open them the next morning. I almost crack a small grin of amusement.

And then I remember how early it is.

I rub my eyes and squint, as my pupils adjust from my previously dim room. "Can't we just go in a couple of hours? Like when normal people are usually awake?" I say, as I begin to snuggle back into my warm pillow.

"Nope. We are going now." She says. I hear a faint rustle as her feet head towards the door, then I'm shrouded in temporary darkness as something gets thrown on my head.

"Hey!" I shout, as I feel for the material and pull it off. I see the familiar creme colour of my bathroom towel that was previously hanging on my bedroom door, now crunched slightly in my left hand. By now, all I could see was my mothers dark brown ponytail sashaying behind her as she started down the stairwell.

"You know some would consider this abuse towards a minor." I called after her.

"Meet you at the door in 30 minutes." Was all she yelled back.

I sighed, and whipped the covers off of me before swinging my feet onto the cold hardwood floors. There was no point in trying to fall back asleep now, I was too awake to have a fighting chance at anymore rest.

I staggered slowly towards my bathroom, using my body weight to open the door for me.

Mornings weren't exactly my forte.

I snatched my glasses off of the counter, and sighed as my pixelated mess of a vision turned into a somewhat clearer view. I picked up my toothbrush and put a small line of toothpaste on it before scrubbing my mouth raw with the minty substance. I spit into the sink, and then smiled with satisfaction. There's nothing more rewarding than the taste of fresh breath.

Paying little attention to my reflection in the mirror, I hopped quickly into the shower. The hot water felt nice as I let yesterday's old hair drown in shampoo and conditioner, aggressively cleaning my long, dark brown locks. The smell of peaches wafted through the bathroom steam as I washed my body, before stepping back out to dry off.

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