One Wish

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The stars shone brightly above the wastelands. The moon hovered in place and grinned as a small party stopped by a former raider camp. There were two people, one super mutant, and a dog.

Cywren, Timebomb, Copper, and Quasar.

"Lets rest here," Cywren yawned.

"Okay," Timebomb acknowledged.

"I agree," Copper said.

Timebomb started a campfire in a barrel as Copper gathered beds. Quasar rested near the fire while the others picked their beds.

Everyone went to sleep. Everyone but Timebomb.

"You'll need rest to continue on our journey," Copper warned his fellow traveller.

Timebomb pulled out a laser pistol and spun it around in his hand. "I'm just... taking watch... in case of unwanted enemies."

Copper sat up. "What troubles you, my friend? You seem to be bothered by something."

"Its nothing."

"Then why are you awake?"

The man sighed and looked at the stars. "Cywren is a nice woman isn't she?"

Copper nodded. "She saved your life as well as mine. There is no one I know who has the skills and personality she carries."

"Yeah but she is also stronger than anyone we've ever encountered. She manages to care for herself better than we do."

"That maybe but that doesn't mean our efforts to protect her should yield."

Timebomb gave a sigh. "I... I like Cywren... more than any friend can."

The mutant grunted to hold in a laugh. "Ah, love has grasped the warrior in the world of hate! Oh are you lucky!"

Timebomb's cheeks burned bright red. "That may be, but I don't think Cywren feels the same for me. She seemingly has no time to talk to us very long. We're always running, fighting, or exploring. She never gets the rest she deserves."

"That and that strange abduction."

Memories of the tears the warrior shed hit him and his cheeks burned brighter. "I thought she was killed. She was gone for nearly a month."

"I knew you had feelings for her when you cried out for her that day." Copper reached into his pocket and pulled out Mirelurk meat. He took a bite out of it and continued. "Just because it feels one sided, doesn't mean it is."

"I know but... I don't want to ask her either. I want to wait until our adventures are over but I don't want her to die not knowing either."

A powerful hand patted Timebomb's back. "Get some rest, friend. You will get your wish. Don't worry about it."

Copper laid back down in his bed and fell fast asleep. Timebomb gave the sky one last look before curling up into the bed and falling asleep.

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