Chapter one

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It was a normal day we had just come home from high school but it felt a little off. So I said to Sky do you think it feels a little off today? Sky then said do you think it's a kidnaper we could call the cops for something. As always I laughed and said the cops are going to stop answering your calls. So we both started laughing and went up to the house. I started to get my key but then Sky said wait it's open didn't you shut it this morning? I said yea I did I know I did. We went in and I noticed that some things were moved or pushed around. I tried not to get paranoid I already have enough of that. We looked around but then we heard a noise upstairs. We ran upstairs I walked into my room and yelled. There was thre guys they grabbed me and Sky and kicked us so hard we passed out. When I  woke up I could hear Sky kicking and screaming LET US GO! I tried to get up but I was tied up. I could feel it was handcuffs. The thought of how they got them made me shiver. Then I remembered that I had a bobby and safety pin in my pocket. I asked Sky do you remember how to pick a lock? Yea why? she asked. I held up the bobby pen and said look what I have. Sky look at me and said yes. I said hurry up and pick the lock so we can get out of here. When Sky finished we ran until we found the exit. We ran out and only saw woods. We look around and realize we where lost. Then the three guys saw that we were gone one of them looked at us and said there still here. And they chased after us. Sky was really fast so it wasn't hard for her to outrun the guys. I on the other hand am not. They caught up to me and grabbed me. Sky looked back and saw this and got that look in her eyes. I knew that look that look meant she was mad. She started to turn around. As soon as I saw this I shouted Sky run away. She doesn't listen to anything I say. She head butted one guy. The other two grabbed her and forced her to the ground. They beat us both until we bleed fiercely then knocked us out.
         Chapter three

I awoke before Sky this time. I could tell they beat her more then me. I looked around and saw one small window I knew we were in a basement by how high the window was. They ducked taped us to chairs this time. Real classic I said quietly. Lucky I knew how to get out of this one. I looked at Sky and tried to get her attention. One of the guys came down the stairs. I said to him why are you doing this. He looked at me and said said you don't recognize me? I said well kinda you kinda look like Sky's old.... the guy said boyfriend? I shouted BRIAN?! He said yep. Sky woke up and started freaking out. Brian I said you dumped her though. Brian said yes but then I asked to get back together she refused. Yea I said no you dated five other girls in the year you left one of which you dated wile we were together said Sky. Well I wanted to have a variety of choices and I then realized that you were the best for me said Brian. Then I piped up and said after a year it took a year. He told me to shut it I said nope. Brian then said you better watch it you're not at your house anymore and he left.
       Chapter four

I knew I could get out of the basement but how to get back home I have no idea. I got out of the duck tape and chair and said to Sky this is gonna hurt. Sky said what? OW! Shhh I said you don't want it to get us caught. I could tell it was either really late at night or midnight. Even though the window was small we could fit through it anyway. Sky asked me do you know where to go? No I responded we just have to keep running to get away from this place. We ran through the woods until we couldn't See the house anymore. I could tell Sky was tired and by the way they beat her up I'd be surprised if she went another step. We rested for about ten minutes and then we decided to keep going. It was a hour later that we stopped to make a little camp. We needed to rest and eat. We hadn't eaten since breakfast two days ago. I said we need to keep going in a few more minutes. Even though we both wanted to stay but we need water and food. I couldn't tell how to get to a town or city but that's the place where we needed to go.
        Chapter five

We rested for about ten minutes and then we decided to keep going.and as we kept going the  more we got sicker and starving we couldn't go one last day without starving so we started to go back the way we came from but it was way closer than I thought. So we knocked on the door Brian answered the door he was surprised to see us but we were skinny and beat up he told us to go in he said that he didn't tell them because they would kill him and said he would feed us at night while there asleep but we would be tied up. Sky said ok but only if you don't beat me up or her but if they want to beat us up only beat me up because I can handle it and I'm stronger. No I said you are already hurt bad enough they can beat me up. Brian tide us up to chairs again but this time with ropes. He gave us some food to last us for a day. Then he said I'll be back in a minute and went upstairs. We heard a few things moved and I said to Sky what do you think he's doing? Sky said I don't know. Then Brian came back down and placed two book bags in a corner and tide the ropes around our arms very loosely. I said to him you know if you tie us this loose we'll just leave again. Brian said I know I thought about what you guys said and I realized I was being a jerk. Sky said what's in the bags? Brian replied food that should last you for a few weeks a map to help you get home the red dot is where we are a compass a first aid kit two pocket knifes some flint and five hundred dollars each. You've changed haven't you said Sky. Brian said i'm trying. Thanks I said but you know we have to turn you guys in right. Yes there names are Jack Parl and Jasper Raine. Ok I said bye Brian. Sky said bye when you get out of jail come by the house sometime. Ok I will he said. So we started off again.

           Chapter six
  It was morning now and we were around thirty minutes away. We saw a neighborhood down a dirt road. Then it started to drizzle. We cut though some yards and climbed a fence and went in someone's shed. Ten minutes later a woman came out side we tried to stay as quiet as possible. I tried to move away from the window but I knocked over a paint can. The lady looked at the shed and started towards it. I held my breath and Sky looked at me. The woman opened thedoor and looked around and saw us. Who are you?!she said surprised and and mad. Sky said we are kinda lost and we needed somewhere to get out of the rain. I don't care yelled the lady I want you out. Ok I said we'll leave. Go before I call the cops said the woman. I said to Sky come on lets go. The ladysaid yes get out of here and under her breath she said white trash. Sky turned around to look at the woman and said what? The woman said you are white trash. Sky had that look in her eyes. I said Sky no calm down. Ohh no said Sky this woman doesn't even know who we are or why we're here she has no right to call us that. The lady said I know you broke into my shed. Then I said you also know that it's cold raining and we're lost. The lady said I also know that you probably are doing this to impress someone. No we're not we're just trying to get home Sky said. Then the lady said where are you going? Lexington I said. Well she said your a long way from home. I know its probably gonna take weeks to get back I said. Then the woman asked what are you doing downhere anyway? We were kidnaped. Oh that's great ,WHAT!!! , I am a cop actually I am lieutenant  brown , omg I heard about you your the one who solved three murders in a week. Said sky Where do you live? on main in Lexington oh ok get in my car call your parents and tell them to meet us a the police station. Ok and we got home safely after that the three of the guys were put in jail.

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