Chapter 19

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I woke to a banging on the cabin door. I rolled out of bed and opened the door Tyson stood there.
"Percy left" he said "I can't find him"
I put my shoes on.
"Let's go find him then" I said
As an afterthought I grabbed my gloves and hat and I followed Tyson. We heard voices on the beach and went there. I heard harpies behind us.
"We need to hurry" I said "Percy"
We found him on the beach.
"Hey" I said "what's going on?"
"Um" he said
He explained to  us how Hermes had come and asked us to go to the ship.
"We have to go" I said
"But we'll get kicked out"
"If we don't go there might not be a camp to come back to" I said
"You promised Chiron"
"I promised him I'd keep you out of danger the best way to do that is by going with you" I said "Tyson can stay behind and-"
"I want to come" Tyson cut in
"No" I said panicking "he can't"
I wouldn't travel with a Cyclopes not after what happened.
"Tantalus will punish him for us being gone" he said
The harpies sounded closer.
"Percy" I said tying to keep calm "we're going to Polyphemus's island Polyphemus is an S-i-k...a C-y-k." I stopped trying. stupid dyslexia "you know what I'm tying to say"
"He can come if he wants to"
"I want to" Tyson clapped
I glared at Percy we didn't have time for this.
"Fine" I relented "how will we get to the ship?"
"Hermes said my father would help"
"Then go ahead seaweed Brain"
"Hey dad"
"Hurry" I said I could hear the harpies almost up the sand dunes.
"We really need to get to that ship please send help" he said louder
Nothing happened until three white lines appeared on the surface. The heads of three white horses broke the surface.
"Fish ponies" Tyson said
In the water were three animals their front half were horses but the back were scaled like fish.
"Hippocampi" I said "they're beautiful"
"Let's go" Percy urged us
A second later we were zipping across the ocean.
We neared a cruise ship which after a few seconds of staring at it I read princess Andromeda.
We got on the deck
"We need to find a safe place to sleep." Percy said
"Please" I said
We found an empty suit and opened the door. We opened the duffle bags clothes and toiletries along with cash drachmas and Percy found his gloves in the bag. 
"I'll be next door" I said "don't drink or eat anything"
"Do you think this is enchanted?" Percy asked
"Maybe" I said "something isn't right be careful"
"Don't let spiders get you wise girl" Percy said
"Night seaweed brain" I said

I woke up to a whistle and a man saying.
"Good morning passengers we'll be at sea all day don't forget about million dollar bingo and for our special guests disemboweling practice."
I jumped out of bed and opened the door.
"Disemboweling practice?" I asked
We got dressed and I grabbed my gloves, compacted sword, and hat. We went out to explore.
It was weird and creepy between people being way too cheerful and wearing blank expressions.
"It's like they're all in a trance." I said "we need to leave"
"Annabeth is right" Tyson said "we must leave"
I heard a voice outside the restroom we were hiding in right as we were about to leave.
"-only a matter of time don't push me agrius"
"Let's go to the admiralty suite and check on-" his voice faded
"Leave now" Tyson asked
"No" Percy Said
"We have to find out what luke is up to" I said "and if we can beat him up and take him to Olympus in chains"

We went and gathered our things and made our way to the admiralty suite.
"Hide" I said
We hid in a supply closet.
Two guys passed
"Percy that's Chris Rodriguez" I said
"Let's hurry" he looked worried
We continued on until we came to double oak doors.
"Voices" Tyson said
"You can hear that far?" Percy asked
He closed his eyes and his voice changed becoming Luke's. "the prophecy ourselves the fools won't know which way to turn"
I shuttered and tried not to think of that night in the warehouse.
His voice changed again.
"Do you think the old horse is gone for good?"
Tyson laughed luke laugh
"They can't trust him the poisoning of the tree was the last straw."
I shivered "stop Tyson that's creepy"
Tyson opened his eye and looked confused "just listening"
"Keep going" Percy said
"Quiet" likes voice said
"Right outside"
"Run" Percy said
The doors flew opened and two hairy giants pointed javelins at our chests.
"If it isn't my two favorite cousins" Luke said "come on in"

In the room a golden casket. That's what drew my attention.
"Nicer than cabin eleven huh" Luke said "sit"
No one made a move to sit.
"So Percy how's school how's your mom"
"My mom is dead" Percy said
"Oh yeah I forgot about that" Luke said
"You poisoned Thalia's tree"
"Right to the point" he said "yes I poisoned the tree so what?"
"How could you" I said angrily "Thalia saved our lives how could you dishonor her-"
"I never did" he said quickly "the gods did if Thalia were alive she'd be on my side"
"Liar you know she wouldn't be"
"If you knew what was coming you'd understand-"
"I understand your trying to destroy camp" I yelled "your a monster"
"The gods have blinded you Annabeth" he said "join me we could use your intelligence"
"Because you have none of your own"
"I know you. you deserve better than this traveling with the loosing team with this" he pointed to Tyson
"Hey" Percy protested
"Traveling with a cyclops" luke said "talk about dishonoring Thalia's memory. You of all people"
I couldn't take it
"Stop" I yelled
I felt tears in my eyes remembering everything.
"Luke your father sent us" Percy said
"Don't talk about him" luke spat "he betrayed me. Every time a halfblood joins us he becomes stronger." He pointed at the gold casket
"So" Percy asked "what's so..."
He must've realized what was in there
"He is reforming little by little" Luke said "it will be worthy of the forges of Hephaestus"
"Your insane" I said
"Join us and be rewarded" he said
"Go to Tartarus" I said
"What a shame" luke sighed
He pressed a button and soon two uniformed mortals walked in.
"Good security we have stowaways" luke said
"Yes sir" they said dreamily
"Time to feed the drakon take them below and show them how it's done" luke said
Oreius led us out and towards the stairs I slipped my gloves on.
"Now" Percy yelled
Tyson sprung into action and hit oreius backwards into the pool.
One of the security guards came at us and I knocked him out. The other went for the alarm.
"Stop him" I shouted a little to late he hit the alarm right before Percy knocked him out.
"Lifeboat" Percy yelled as alarms blared
We jumped In and Percy uncapped riptide.
"Hold on" he shouted
He cut the rope and we were falling towards the ocean.

The Paladin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now