Chapter 3

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   "Son, where have you been?"
The car ride was silent. I looked out the window and watched the buildings roll past.

Pulling into the driveway, Mom immediately rushed outside. Her sandals shuffling against the pavement.

Enveloping me in a bearhug, she stroked my hair.

   "Katherine Josephina Cook! Don't you ever scare me like that again!  I'm so glad Zoey found you when she did." Mom exclaimed, worry clear in her eyes.

   "Sorry, Mom," Tears welled in my eyes. "I'll be more careful during high tide."

   "Katherine, don't be sorry, I'm just glad you're home and safe."

  I nodded and walked inside with her, Sam following close behind. And as I walked through I was greeted by Dad and Carla. A warm group hug quickly gathered around me.


I shot up, my tail creating a circle of sand to rise up. Mother swam around to my cauldron, trailing her nails around the charred stone.

   "Greetings, Mother." My form stiffened and tensed.

   "Braderian, you reek of human and yet I don't recall receiving your catch." Her eyes narrowed.

   "There was no prey by the shore this evening, I only swam past some of their garbage." The lies rolled off my tongue easily.

   "I see. And what is this?" She rubbed the cauldron residue between her fingers.

I gulped. " It's just oil from an aura elixir, the one you've wanted for your hunts."

   "Oh? Well then I suppose you'll need a test flounder, won't you?" She laughed sharply.

   "Ah, son, I believe that we should search for one tomorrow hmm?"

  "Yes, of course, Mother." My eye twitched slightly. She mustn't find out what I did.

With a sly grin, she darted out of my cave. I sighed and settled back down on my bed. The once familiar feeling now itchy and uncomfortable.

It was true that I had the potion but I had used some to make a window to see the human girl. If Mother used it to track her prey, she would catch her scent too quickly.

The guilt hung heavy in my chest, I needed to warn her somehow. Or to tell her truth, but then she'd be tangled into this curse...

An old tale came to mind, the ancient tale of a young merlady who had gone onto land.

That's how I could keep her safe, and I could escape the curse as well. Mother will go hunting in two moons when the barriers need be resealed. I had that time to make the spell.


I had showered and changed into dry clothes. Hair still warm and fluffy from the hairdryer.

I sighed into my pillows, finally relaxing my body. I closed my eyes and pressed myself into the cool sheets.

My breathing slowed and I quickly fell asleep, and the images began.

   I could feel the cold water wash over me again, shivering I walked along the sand. Gazing up at the waves above me. Schools of fish darted all around but the color seemed to drain the further I went.

   Soon I began to swim instead of walking, gliding silently until I stopped before a cliff. A bright glow seemed to come from beyond the edge. The lights glowed and shimmered, capturing my curiosity.

  I looked over the edge, gazing upon a city of colorful tall structures! And the people! They had shiny colorful tails; men, women, and children all swimming in and out of sight. I swam closer and the bursts of color intrigued me even more.

   I swam along the streets and buildings of this underwater world. No one seemed to notice I was there, but still, I became self-conscious of my legs. I swam faster to reach the end of a dimly lit street, gathering my thoughts.

    I was completely wowed by this place when a light tugging came into the back of my mind. Flashes of my rescuer came before my eyes.

'Was he one of the merfolk? Could any of this be real?'

   I heard a gasp behind me, a boy about my age was floating a few feet away. His tail wasn't like the others I had seen. And he could see me!

'H-hello, can you help me?" I called out to him but there was still a look of shock present on his face.

   His tail flicked as he remained still, eyes searching me up and down. I slowly approached him. He backed away. No one else seemed to notice us.

   I couldn't help gazing upon his features. His sleek black tail, blood red fins flowing in the water. Strong, toned arms, a sharp jaw, and messy brown hair. His eyes glowed a deep mysterious green as he became wary of presence.

   "You shouldn't be here," He hissed. "How are you here..."

   I didn't have the words to explain. He swam closer to me, almost touching, he leaned in close.

   His lips opened, "I foun-BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP"

"What?"I exclaimed.



Slamming my hand onto the snooze button, I groaned at my alarm clock.

"Katt! Come down for breakfast!"


I woke up gasping and sweating. Groaning rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

My dream had been so vivid, the human girl swam amongst the merfolk.

She had seen me, spoke to me, but when I tried to reach out she disappeared.



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