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You are 17 and you have two sisters that you never get along with . Your parents died in a car accident .When you where 15 your brother wants to move . Your sisters want to stay its stay either stay with people I hate or go with my favorite brother .


Nate: sis are you ready to go he yelled Frome down stairs .!!!

Kandy: yea almost I scream !!

Sister one , mya: if you yell one more time I swear to god I will come in their and kill you . I'm trying to get my buty sleep

Kandy: oh your going to need a lot more than buty sleep to make you pretty . I yell and giggle


Nate : nice one sis but we got to hurry I'm getting my friends when I get off the plain so they can show us around

Kandy: ok L.A hear I come

            ~YOUR WEARING THIS~


A/n { sorry I didn't crop it lol }

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A/n { sorry I didn't crop it lol }

You get your luggage and get on the plain  you sleeped the whole way

Nate : wake the fuck up

Kandy : why I groan

Nate : cuz we landing bish

Kandy : oh ok you should have told me that before you said wake the fuck up

Nate : come on my friends are at gate 5

Kandy:  oh ok  you said

At gate 5 I walked up to my brothers friends. Hella hot my I add

Nate : hey guys this is my younger sister Kandy , Kandy this is my friends ethan
and Grayson Dolan

Ethan  was sitting down with his head in his hand reasting Grayson was sitting looking you up and down

Grayson: hello there he said

Kandy : hey  I said

I sat down by my brother waiting for an uber to take up to our beach side apartment right next to my brothers friends apartment 

Uber came and got us ethan  was barley awake Grayson was sitting by the window looking out it and my brother was in the passenger seat and I was between the twins . Sitting in awkward silence


       Don't be dumb don't do it

I did it I broke the silence with saying so Nate I call master bed room

Nate : you wish

Kandy : ok the first person to find the room wearing a blind fold gets it

Nate : don't be stupid

Grayson: that actually sounds like a really good idea 

Kandy : thx so wdys.

Nate : fine deal
       At the apartment Grayson wrapped a towle around my eyes and told me to walk strait and go up the stairs and the first room on the right

Ethan gave Nate a towle and Nate put it on himself the ethan whispered.something in his ear

Kandy : thx you said whiel I got in starting mode

Grayson: np he said with his hand on my shoulder

  OK START !!!!!!!!!

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