The Lost Pendant

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(Hey guys here's a new story for you to enjoy. I'm still working on the others, but couldn't wait any longer to post this one. I really hope you enjoy it and please comment :) Enjoy!)


I ran as fast as my feet could take me, wishing that I had done some exercise like I planned to every year but never did. I looked behind me, the roaring sound was closer than it was before, but I still couldn’t see anything. When I looked ahead of me I came to a stand still right in front of a wall. Shit, out of all the alleyways in this city I get the one with the wall. I complain to myself and turn around, still trying to see what this thing was that was chasing me. This was not how I thought my first day of vacation would turn out. My eye caught the movement of a big dumpster, it was as if the thing just kicked it for fun. The dumpster came crashing next to me and I screamed. My eyes closing for a second but I forced them open again. I had to see what this thing was. I looked around me, movement in a puddle not so far away from me caught my eye, and soon the roaring sound was so close that I knew if I stretched my hand out I’ll be able to touch whatever this was. I tried to look around me, trying to see if there is some kind of escape route, but since I couldn’t see this thing I didn’t know how big or small it was. One thing I knew was that it was dangerous, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Suddenly the sun’s rays moved into the dark alleyway and shone on what was in front of me. I gasped and my knees buckled. I slid down against the wall, looking up at this monster that had been revealed. It was huge, black and very ugly. Long black wings burst out from its black back, its spinal cord pushing out of its skins, as if it wanted to break free. Yellow eyes stared at me; there were no pupils or iris, just endless yellow. It growled and hissed and took a step forward, as it opened its mouth and showed me its very long yellow fangs. I closed my eyes as I felt it sniffing me, then opening its mouth and hissing again.

A wet tongue moved against my neck and right cheek.  I whimpered as it tasted me, still wondering how the hell I got myself into this mess. It growled and somehow I knew that this was going to be the last sound I’d ever hear and I prepared myself but then there was nothing. The thing didn’t bite or kill me, instead it suddenly screeched and I felt it move away from me. I didn’t want to open my eyes, afraid I might see its teeth again, but I couldn’t help myself and looked anyways. I was stunned at what I saw. A figure, dressed in dark blue clothes, a bow and arrow at its back, and beautiful silver hair gushing down from its head to the middle of its back, was standing in front of me. Green blood was dripping from its sword, and I saw that the thing was oozing blood from its shoulder. I sat back and could only watch as the fight started between the monster and the figure with beautiful silver hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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