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I was born in this world, abandoned, to fend for myself. All I ever imagined was, what was the world like before the incident, before the world ended.
I barely believe it myself, but I grew up somehow, that I survived. I found shelter in a tilted building, half destroyed by degraded walls not providing support.
I always wondered what happened, my imagination could only make me think of the bizarre ; then I found an old couple hiding in the safety of my home from the outside world. They seemed like peaceful people, even if they weren't, they were old and brittle and wouldn't put up a fight even if they tried. I revealed myself from where I was snuggled in and hoped that they would know something of what happened.

They said that they don't know much, despite being 72 years old, "I only know what my parents told me, and what their parents told them, and so forth, but I know this much," they told me about the world in the past.

The world was once prospering with tall buildings of wood, topped with green leaves, food enough to go around and home space for all. But the number of people grew and grew, and earth could not support so many people, to the number of 200 billion people; so the government came up with the idea to send a large scale of people to mars to wait for earth to self heal, or start anew. They launched many people but more were left to die; and they did. The population dropped, from what they guessed, 1% of population(2 billion). They were here for so long, and they had a chance to leave on Day of Return, every 20 years a ship from mars is sent to earth and selects 100,000 people to come back to mars. The old couple were once chosen, but not their daughter: they gave their placement on the ship to her daughter. So they remain here on earth, with a low chance of surviving to be selected again.
I affronted asleep imagining their heroism, saving someone at the cost of their suffering. If presented to such opportunity, I will aspire to do the same.

I woke up and was reminded of the world we lived in, a terrible place, full of those only interested in helping themselves. All my rations of food were gone, water either spilled or missing, but all I have left is a single bear with a note attached.

Dear Joseph
In all my journeys, for all the years I have lived, I have not once found someone who welcomed the weak and didn't steal from them. However, in this world it is every man for himself, though I do not want you to lose hope. This bear, that sits in front of you, is my only reminder of my daughter. I want you to have it, it helped me through emotional times and I know it will help you, I hope it will remind you to one day save another at your own cost. You may not be relayed kindly, but would you be able to live with yourself if you could have done something. Your need to help people is a flame and you must be sure it stays burning; keep fueling the fire.


I took a look at the bear and picked it up, ever since then I kept it with me, and it reminded me of my purpose to help others no matter what.
This was 6 years ago, next year will mark my 18th birthday, and on my birthday will be on the Day of Return. So I hope that my birthday will bring any luck at all, though I know that just a child's wish. This world is a place where wishes are smashed, and people are killed.
I walk the streets, hiding behind any obstacle I see as cover from any oncoming people. As said in the past, every man for himself, and I let my eye drift to the court house: this is where justice is given. At this place, I may find food or water, my deeds may own up to something. I approach the gate of the court's yard and duck with the screech of the fence.

"This must be my lucky day, I found enough food for a week" the man says as he throws a girl coward to the ground: clearly beaten by them because she resisted. "She must have thought that she'd be safe in there, well don't worry miss, I'll keep you real safe" he says grabbing her by the cheek forcefully kissing her cheek.

I need to save her, I thought, but I need to analyze the situation more, what If he's not alone.

He grips her by the hair and yanks her forward, "walk Lunch", and she did probably out of fear, but her walking pace turned to running steps. She was trying to run away. "Ugh I was gonna keep you nice and fresh till I cooked ya, I guess it will still be good after a day." He lifted his gun, without a single hesitation he pulled his finger toward the trigger.

I leapt toward the man without thinking twice, I swung at his gun first and as I hit it a loud crack emerged in the air. I successfully knocked his weapon down, and reacted with a second blow to his face. Stunned by the hits, he came to quick and pulled out his knife and at ease it slid through me. Blood filled the rags of cloth I wore and I crashed my fist into the temple of his head. I mere pressure of the hit in the temple killed him or nearly killed him because he collapsed instantly. The knife still in me stung my stomach, so I yanked it out. Blood filled my hands but my worry was not on the wound on me but on the lady. I peered up, hoping for her to be gone but she was on the ground motionless. It appears the bullet struck her in the back of the head.

I stood their motionless, sickened that I nearly threw up, instead I stood unable to move. I, in time, mustered the strength to walk and I did into the courthouse. At first glance there wasn't much, but something was off, just could find out what. Getting through the door I fell to the ground, pain surging through my body. "I have to patch this wound." I thought, but I had nothing. With almost all hope lost I smelled smoke, in the back. I crawled to the kitchen which caused less pain.

I saw a stove, on with a knife on the fire. This must have been where the fight went down and where she hid. I grabbed the heated knife and looked at it, heat melts stuff together. I know this cause I had my part of throwing plastics and cans into the fire and watch them fuse or melt. So I gripped the knife handle, and lifted my shirt. With a quick sudden pace I threw the orange blade on the cut wound of the knife and let out a scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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