Some random tag thing

22 3 5

Person who tagged me: OneBoyFromTheMoon

10 things about me:
1. I really like money
2. I really like food
3. I really hate school
4. I have a cat who low-key hates me but you know what? Thats ok!
5.  I play like 6 instruments
6. I am a makeup addict
7.  I want to be an astrophysicist in the future, but tbh I'm probably gonna end up working at McDonald's :')
8. I usually sleep at 1-3 am
9. I'm kinda decent at drawing? (But not really cuz I got waitlisted by Unionville Arts 😬. Ikr, isn't my whole life just a failure? 😂)
10. I LOVE ANIMALS (but I SWEAR I'm not a furry)


Crap. I have no other friends.

Huh? What does "put a title to the tag" even mean? Tf?

Ok here's the best joke ever:
Why did the chicken cross the road?

It didn't. Shirley hit the chicken with a car cuz of her bad asian driving. Species: Chicken. Cause of death: Shirley. Time of death: Unknown. And she honestly should not be driving cuz she doesn't even have a license.

UGh fine. Spoiler alert

Dominic's POV
I am getting so sick of class. My head hurts, and I don't want to listen to my teacher for a second longer. I raise my hand.
"Yes, Dominic?" She looks at my expectantly.
Shit. She asked a question.
I had zoned out, and I didn't realize she asked the class a question, and I happened to raise my hand.
And I don't know the answer. Shit.
"Um, can I go to the bathroom?" I say awkwardly
"Sure, go ahead," She sighs, exasperated.
I walk through the Markville hallways, leaning against the cool lockers. I decide to go to the water fountain. As I turn the corner, I see him. James. He looks up from the fountain.

James's POV
Oh my god. That's Dom. I haven't spoken to him since high school started. We gape at each other for a second, and he breaks away his stare first. Looking flustered, he walks past me and his arm brushes up against mine. My gaze follows him as he walks down the hall. That was the end of our friendship, and everything else we had shared.


Lmfao sry guys. I was high af when typing this. So ignore my sad attempts to be funny. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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