If it's Okay

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The first time Jungkook met Yoongi was at a local coffee shop around two in the afternoon. The strong aroma caught him by surprise as he had made his way down the street, his sleep deprived mind walking into the building without a second thought for anxiety to seep in. It took him some slow cautious steps to get to the counter, but when he found it he let out a soft sigh of relief. Mentally, he patted himself on the back. There wasn't any scene of him tripping or crashing into any thing like he had often imagined would happen.

You're gonna be embarrassed a lot but over time it won't matter any more. It's just something you'll get used to.

Jungkook's Doctor's words echoed in his mind. It definitely meant a whole hell of a lot coming from someone who still had his vision. "A small coffee please?" He mumbled to whoever was at the counter--god he hoped there was someone there, he could've sworn he heard some foot movement coming from in front of him--and dug in his pocket for his card.

If you fold your money is specific ways, you can get out the right amount without a problem.

Sure, Jin but what if the wrong amount was folded into the wrong shape and he got stuck in an embarrassing situation where the person asking for the money had to tell a blind man that they hadn't given them the correct amount?

Sometimes Jungkook's anxiety really got the best of him. And he knew this too, that was why he was going to stick to using his card until he actually felt confident in his skill to hand over the correct amount of change.

"Room for cream?" A woman's voice questioned from in front of him. He brought his head up, mouth open slightly as he tried to figure out what the hell she was asking him. "...For your coffee? Did you want me to leave some room for some creamer?"

"Oh, yes please." Jungkook rushed. He imagined she probably offered him some kind of smile. Or maybe she was wearing an annoyed face, who knew? Well, everyone else in the fucking cafe that was looking at this interaction probably.

He pushed the thoughts aside mumbling thanks to the woman as she handed over his cup. Jungkook slowly stepped to the side, his free hand brushing along the counter as he made his way further into the cafe. He could hear the sounds of conversation from the other customers in the place, while Jungkook took his time to find a booth, praying that he wasn't about to sit down next to a stranger on accident. He had no fucking idea what was going on in his mother's mind that made her think letting her newly blinded son walk around a city by himself was a good learning experience for his fresh disability but even when he had the right to, he still couldn't find it in himself to argue with her.

Jungkook walked past a booth that had the soft sounds of typing and took a chance with the one just after it. If getting coffee was this hard to do by himself, he didn't want to think about the other challenges he was going to come across. He sighed to himself, popping the lid off of his cup and allowing a bit of peace wash over him at the familiar smell of the brew. Jungkook softly patted around the table towards where he hoped the cream to be, knowing they usually left a powered dispenser out at each booth. He felt along all the complimentary condiments but didn't come across the familiar tall dispenser that he knew should be there.

Cool. This was fine, he would just drink it as it was. They put some sweetener in this before hand, don't they? Taking a sip, Jungkook's lips instinctively went up in disgust. God it was so bitter on its own, and he had an entire cup of it. He swallowed the liquid and pursed his lips together. Maybe he just brushed over the container completely on accident. It wouldn't hurt to double check, would it?

Second time through and there was no such luck. He would add sugar but the last time he tried to do that back at the hospital he'd poured a disgusting amount of salt into his drink and that was a taste he didn't ever want to experience again.

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