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88.52%Capítulo 324:Ventilação Chapter 432: ReinforcementsCapítulo 323: Vela Negra

Tradutor: Nação de Tradução Editor: Tradução Nation

A brisa do mar assobiava enquanto as ondas do mar subiam.

O Southie estava indo para o norte, atravessando as ondas.

Este Southie renascido mudou bastante.

Primeiro foi a mudança de nome. Embora Marvin não tivesse medo da câmara de comércio do Elefante Branco, era melhor evitar problemas desnecessários.

No lado do navio, as seguintes palavras foram escritas de uma maneira inspiradora: [Sword Harbor 1]

Sword Harbour era o nome do porto que Marvin construiu no estuário.

Coincidentemente, Marvin teve um problema com a nomeação, então nomear o novo porto foi um grande problema.

Felizmente, ele se lembrava de quando Lola estava enganando os marinheiros para se rebelar, ela havia mencionado esse nome. Assim, ele simplesmente concordou com isso e nomeou o porto [Porto da Espada].

E do ponto de vista topográfico, o Rio Branco fluindo para o oceano e o estuário do litoral formavam uma forma de cruz que parecia bastante semelhante a uma espada.

Deu uma sensação de nitidez.

At the same time, Marvin also kept with his original promise and promoted Second Mate Roberts to the position of Captain, putting him in charge of this ship.

Normally, the Captain was the most authoritative figure on the ship.

But Roberts' mood was somewhat dampened because accompanying him on this trip was the silent Viscount Marvin, as well as Miss Anna and Miss Lola, who both outranked him.

This made the ambitious young Captain a bit depressed.

But fortunately, Marvin and the others seemed to have no intention of getting involved with the running of the boat. Lola was in charge of the delivery of goods, and Anna's trip to Bass Harbor was to take care of administrative formalities.

Things were very different now in White River Valley. Baron Marvin was promoted to Viscount, and with his rapid increase in fame, as Marvin's butler, Anna's status naturally followed suit.

In order to adapt to White River Valley's quick growth, Marvin simply distributed power. Anna was the one who had followed him the longest, and she was the most demonstrably loyal person. White River's administrative power was basically in her hands.

Sword Harbor 1's trip to Bass Harbor was to establish a new shipping route.

And new shipping routes had to be reported to the South Wizard Alliance or it would be considered an illegal trade. They wouldn't get the Alliance's protection and would be no different from a pirate boat.

This needed Anna to show her talent, as Marvin hadn't been involved in these kinds of tedious matters for a while.

He was purely taking a ride, providing support for the first trip of the Sword Harbor 1.

He had the Sea Emperor's Crown in hand and could speed the voyage by manipulating the currents.

His own destination wasn't really Bass Harbor, but actually Thousand Leaves Forest, which was near there!

It was the location of the Night Monarch's tomb.

Before leaving White River Valley, Marvin discussed with the old blacksmith. The latter mumbled for a while before giving Marvin a key.

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