Take Your Time Girl - One Shot

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Take Your Time Girl


Link to the song this is based on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3-5gUD4JGs

‘’Safe and sound.’’ She whispers, wrapping her hands around her wife’s body. ‘’We’ll take it day by day. I’ll show you around and guide you through our memories. You know, we’ll be there every step of the way. Whether you like it or not.’’ She says, kissing Camila’s big belly. Camila smiles and runs her hand through Lauren’s hair.

Lauren pushes herself up on their bed and kisses her wife sweetly. ‘’You know we’ll have to wait at least one more month right?’’ Camila asks her. Lauren nods and looks down at Camila’s belly again. ‘’Take your time baby girl.’’ She says, earning another kiss on the cheek from her wife, who is looking at her lovingly.

Camila’s eyes widen, and she grabs Lauren’s hand. She places it over the right side of her belly and Lauren can feel the soft kicking of the baby. Lauren’s smile turns into a wide grin as looks back at Camila. Camila smiles back at her and sighs happily. ‘’You know, I can feel her getting bigger. It’s weird, but I just feel that she’s getting closer to come out and greet us.’’

Lauren nods. ‘’I hope so. I can’t wait to see her for the first time.’’ Camila smiles and caresses Lauren’s cheek with her thumb. ‘’Your kid is calling.’’ Camila says softly after a few minutes of silence. Lauren chuckles. ‘’She’s your kid too you know?’’ She replies.

Camila nods with a playful grin. ‘’Yes, I know she’s my kid, have you seen her running and tripping?’’ she asks Lauren playfully. Lauren laughs and leans up to kiss Camila’s lips. ‘’Yes, definitely yours.’’ She whispers back. Camila hums and Lauren gets up from their bed. ‘’I’ll be right back.’’ She says and walks out of their bedroom.

‘’Ness?’’ Lauren whispers as she opens the door to her daughter’s room slowly. ‘’Mommy?’’ she hears a soft call come from the small bed. Lauren opens the door further and sits down next to the small girl. ‘’What’s wrong baby?’’ Lauren asks, running her hand through the girl’s dark hair.

‘’Is Jacey coming already?’’ Vanessa asks her mother tiredly. Lauren smiles. ‘’Not yet baby girl. Did you cross today off on your calendar?’’ She asks. Vanessa closes her eyes and nods. ‘’32 days.’’ She whispers back. Lauren leans down and kisses her cheek. ‘’Think you can wait that long?’’ she asks her daughter who is falling back to sleep already.

Vanessa shakes her head. ‘No mommy.’’ Lauren smiles at her and tucks her tightly into her blankets. ‘’Go to sleep baby. We’re going to the pool tomorrow, so my champion needs her rest.’’ She whispers. She sees a smile appear on Vanessa’s lips and just like that, the five year old girl falls back to sleep.

‘’Mommy, don’t go house.’’ The little girl whines in Lauren’s arms. ‘’Play!’’ She cheers loudly, pointing to the swing set in the park. Lauren sighs and looks at her youngest daughter. ‘’Well… let me think about that…’’ she says playfully, setting Jacey on her hip.

Jacey turns her eyes away from the swings and looks at her mother with big pleading brown eyes. The toddler doesn’t know it yet, but Lauren can’t deny her anything when she’s looking at her like that. Just like she can’t deny Camila anything when she pouts at her. Jacey had learned from the best. Lauren chuckles. ‘’Alright, five more minutes.’’ She says, and Jacey’s eyes go wide.

Take Your Time Girl - One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now