Chapter 1- Introduction

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I look upon the walls that confine me in this cell. It has been 18 hours since the incident. My head pounds as I slowly recover my awareness of my surroundings. I attempt to recall what had happened in the incident, but atlas, I remember nothing. My name is Shauni. I'm 25 years old, and recognized as a tomboy to friends and family. I am married with children. Or rather, I was married with children. I react as I suddenly remember the scene of which my husband and my two children's corpses were, with a blood bath upon the walls. I had woken up after being unconscious, and then suddenly being dragged by two policemen to a patrol car. I saw from the corner of my eye a blood-stained wall, with three corpses laying. A paramedic had checked for pulses but found none, then proceeded to cover them up with three sheets. "Sterben" where the words I heard after a paramedic spoke to a policeman (Sterben is German translated "to die" in English, or otherwise stating that an individual has passed away). I succumbed to the pain of my head and went back unconscious. I may have been asleep for quite a while, since it was afternoon the following day after the incident. After fully waking up and realizing my surroundings, a policeman was waiting for me to wake up. "You're up", the policemen said. "What happened?" I asked. "You tell me" was his response. I looked at him with a bewildered expression. "Why am I in jail?" I thought. "You seriously do not know why you are here?" The policeman asked. I nodded no. The policemen sighs and responds, "You were arrested for the murder of your husband and your two sons." My heart sank. I did not believe the words that came out of his mouth. My lips quivered as I began to cry. As I regained consciousness of the reality of this situation, I cried louder. My sails of sorrow could be heard throughout the hall of the prison cells, but never beyond that. The thick walls of the prison drowned the sounds of my sorrow.  My tears rained down from my check as the police officer grabs me by arm to one of the interrogation rooms.  As we walked the hallway, I could see several inmates looking at me from the prison bars behind them. Most of them were low level offenders. The ones with serious felonies were locked up behind a thick 5 inch iron door, with a small but thick window on it. The inmates looked at me while I walked by, some of which snarled at me or made threatening looks. All of these inmates were female, yet they looked like they had been here long enough to grow a beard. The officer tugged my arm to hurry us up into a dark room with a one way mirror. They pushed me in here and closed the door.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this book, stay tuned for my second chapter. Comment down any suggestions or concerns you have, I am open to suggestions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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