He asks you to be his girlfriend

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I am going to do it. Today is the day. I am going to ask (y/n) to be my girlfriend. We've been best friends since preschool. We have been through everything together.

My family has gone through so much and yet she is still here by my side. She is funny, beautiful and well....perfect. The way her smile gives me butterflies and (y/n)'s eyes, they are vibrant and full of life. (Y/N) has been here from day one and I always want her to be.


My phone vibrates on my night stand and I stare at it through my body length mirror. I drag my eyeliner across my eyelid and smile. I move onto the other eye and do the same. I put down the makeup and glance at my eyes. "UNEVEN" I scream. "Are you okay?" My mother yells back. "No." I respond, "make up is my downfall mom!"

"Then don't wear any!" She responses and I can't hear her smile in her words.

I walk over to the dresser and look at my phone, 'Hayes Grier😏 iMessage'. I hop onto my bed and I smile at the emoji next to it...he put it there but frankly I probably would have put the same one, he's such a flirt. Yet, I love him. I love him like a brother and I love him as more then a friend too...it's complicated.

I slide my finger across the screen to unlock my phone. I click on my text message app and his name appears.

"Carnival. 5. You. Me." It reads and I instantly smile.

"5 am? Cause I think we missed it." I reply laughing.

"Come on (y/n) I was trying to make this like a movie scene and you have to be sarcastic! How rude!" He replies and I can hear his adorable voice as I read it.

"So you don't want me to go then?" I send and my smile grows.

"Noooooo, you are going be ready. I wouldn't want anyone else to go with me😘😉" he replies. Butterflies form in my stomach. He can't be serious right?

"Fine, you flirty boy. I'll be ready by 4:30." I type and press send. The clock above my bed reads '3:39'. I climb off my bed and go into the shower.

I step out onto the bath mat and dry my body with a clean towel. I walk out of the bathroom and into the room directly across the hall. Gripping the towel, I stand on my toes to look in my closet for a nice summery shirt to wear.


I walk out my front door and down to Nash's car, I unlock it and sit down in the passenger seat.

"Nash," I yell out the open window, "lets go!"

"Jesus Hayes, (Y/N) can wait. She knows how late we always are."

"But the carnival starts at 5! It's 4:57." I groan and buckle my seat belt.

We pull up to (y/n)'s door and she walks outside still looking into her house through the open door. Her (y/c/h) hair is curled and bouncy. She has clean, white vans on with partially bleached shorts. The wind blows and her crop top slightly lifts up. The crop top is black with a ying and yang symbol on it.

"Damn." Nash mumbles and I slap my hand against his arm but I don't blame him.

"She's mine," I swear and turn to face him for a split second, "I called dibs."

"That doesn't mean anything to me."

"Nash, I swear to god, don't you dare," before I can't finish my sentence (y/n) taps on my window,

"Can I come in or am I walking?"

She smiles and her smile makes me want to kiss her right here.

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